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First Contact - Third Wave - Chapter 419

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His name was Dhruv. His DNA and chromosones had not been created naturally but rather by supercomputers tasked with building servants. He was a part, a legacy, of mankind's darker past that had been wiped away by the Mantid attack upon humanity.
Slim, androgynous, hairless with the exception of narrow eyebrows, his features were vaguely sycophantic and submissive. His brown eyes were the only thing that were different, calculating and holding a burning intelligence that never stopped considering all the angles.
He was sitting in a cafe on Terra itself, drinking tea and watching a river go by.
Maybe, just maybe, it's time for mankind to go on without us, Daxin said in his memories as he mused over the meeting a few weeks ago.
Dhruv snorted, looking at everyone busily moving around.
He sipped at the tea and stared at the blue water of the river that his own memories showed him as brown and polluted. Gone were the feral flora and fauna, gone was the pollution.
Gone too was the 1.1 billion humans that had once lived near the river. Wiped out before Dhruv had been capable of independent thought.
Now less than a million humans lived where he had been decanted to serve a wealthy and powerful family as a living servitor.
Terra used to be the home of over 15 billion humans, now it barely tops a single billion. There's almost as many Lanaktallan EPOWs as there are humans, he thought to himself, still staring at the sunlight dancing on the water. There are less humans on Terra now than there were in this single nation-state when I was born.
He sighed and looked up at the clouds. Puffy, white, scattered, they formed a nearly picture perfect sky.
He finished his tea and set the cup down, debating on whether or not to have the automatic systems provide him with a new cup, refill the old one, or call a robotic or even a living waiter over to bring him another cup.
There was a clinking sound in his hearing and he felt an odd tingling from both his datalink and the implants inside of him that would return him to life almost instantly.
Dhruv frowned, wondering who would be stupid enough to attempt to attack his systems. Part of him debated on whether or not to allow them, maybe to see what was so interesting that they would target him of all people.
In the chair across from him a flicker interrupted his musing. He watched with interest as reality itself torn apart and two large hands, thick brown hide covering the fingers that were tipped with thick claws, pushed through the gap and started forcing it open further.
It took a few moments, the whole time Dhruv was aware he was the only one who could see it, but eventually a massive figure of corded muscle, brown skin, and wrath managed to pull free of the tear. It extended out bat wings and flexed them a few times as it shook out its arms.
Satisfied, it sat down in the chair.
"Hello," Dhruv said. He had seen the creature before, in a place that Dhruv considered holy, not long before.
"You're Dhruv, known as Legion," the massive figure growled, steam or smoke, one or the other, leaked from the creature's nostrils and mouth.
"I am," Dhruv said. He tapped the table, bringing up another cup of tea, and lifted it up, sipping at it. "I must confess, I am at a loss on how to greet you. We did not exchange pleasantries before."
The creature chuckled. "Call me Dee."
Dhruv nodded. "As you wish."
"Can you understand me?" the figure asked, suddenly changing languages.
Dhruv kept his face still, showing no surprise, at the ancient language. "Yes."
"Good. You're one of maybe a handful who speak this language," the figure said. It made a grunting noise and scratched at the side of its face. "I need to speak to you. Privately."
Dhruv looked around at the passerby. "I am the only one who can see you. Is this not private enough?"
"This is just to get your attention," the figure said. "As I understand it, when it comes to the human genome, you're the foremost expert."
"I am," Legion admitted, letting a small bit of himself show through his eyes. Dhruv shrugged. "I don't know how I can help you."
"I need information," the demonic figure said.
"About what?" Dhruv asked.
"The Sentience Uninterrupted Disaster Storage System," the figure growled.
That got Dhruv/Legion's attention. "You're inside the system?"
"Yes. Inside, part of it now," the figure said. It gave a low growl. "I'm part of the massive casualty response system, but there are a few things it would be best to speak to someone with your knowledge about."
Dhruv sipped his tea and set it down. "Like what? If you can explain a bit, it would help me."
"How about the fact that not one of these people," the figure motioned around itself, "Are actually human."
Dhruv frowned slightly. "I beg your pardon?"
"Not as you might think," the figure said. "They are, but they aren't, and that's what is causing the massive disruption of the system. Herod and Sam think that clearing the queue will clear up the problem, but the problem is much deeper and neither one of them are intellectually prepared to deal with the information I've discovered."
"What sort of information?" Dhruv asked.
The demon reached out and ran a fingertip across the tabletop. Purely for show, as Dhruv could tell that the figure was only existing in his own brain.
"How the system operates, what happened, and what current mode it is running at this time," the figure gave a massive shrug. "Personally, I shouldn't care. I normally wouldn't. Except I don't serve in Heaven."
"You rule in Hell," Dhruv guessed.
"Exactly," the demon said. "I process ones who are stuck in their last moments, unable to clear the system. I deal with their pain and suffering and agony and help them move from Hell to the standard queue."
"So what is the problem?" Dhruv asked. "Except for the fact that everyone is genetically modified through multiple generations and through their own choice to the point you don't see them as humans."
"I can't tell you here. The system won't let me," the demon said.
"So how would I be able to help you?" Dhruv picked up his tea and sipped it.
"I need to bring you partially into the system. Far enough for me to reach you, but not too far to get out or to trigger your battle-field regeneration system," the demon said. "It's a careful balance."
"So how would I do this?" Dhruv asked. He sipped at his tea and set it down again.
"You need to almost die," the demon said.
Dhruv sighed again. "It's never easy."
The demon shook its head. "It never is."
James Idleson smiled at his wife as the embrace broke, holding her upper arms in his hands, feeling the warmth of her skin through her shirt where her pregnant belly stuck out far enough to press against his stomach. Behind him the sun was just rising, painting the Texarkana Arcology in pinks and reds.
"Today is the day of..." he started.
His wife's eyes opened wide, her mouth opening in shock.
James turned and looked in time to see a wave of white heading toward the arcology, fed by a thick pulsing beam of light from the sky.
He had time to pull her close before the shockwave hit, turning the smartglass into millions of pieces of razor sharp shrapnel that shredded him.
And her.
There was darkness for a moment.
James screamed, knowing what it meant. That he had died, was killed, which meant his pregnant wife and two children were dead too. He struggled, bodiless, in the darkness, screaming and banging his head against nothing.
PLEASE CALM DOWN appeared in his vision.
He screamed his wife's name, his children's names.
I CAN'T HELP YOU IF YOU DON'T CALM DOWN the words appeared.
James howled as fear and sorrow twisted into rage and fury.
The Mantid. The Mantid did it. He didn't know how he knew, but he knew.
James felt a wrench inside his brain.
He was standing in front of the window, one hand against the smartglass, looking out at the manicured lawns of the massive Texarkana Arcology.
"What are you thinking, honey?" His wife asked from behind him.
"How lucky we are," James said, turning from the view. His wife was standing only a few paces away, next to the couch, dressed in a loose flowing maternity blouse and slacks, her hair done up in tightly woven braids. James took two steps and hugged his wife. "How lucky we all are."
James saw his wife and son smile from where they were eating breakfast. He closed his eyes, letting himself sink into the embrace.
James Idleson smiled at his wife as the embrace broke, holding her upper arms in his hands, feeling the warmth of her skin through her shirt where her pregnant belly stuck out far enough to press against his stomach. Behind him the sun was just rising, painting the Texarkana Arcology in pinks and reds.
"Today is the day of..." he started.
His wife went still, as if she had been frozen. The children stopped eating, frozen in the middle of their action. The holoclock stopped ticking.
"You done?" a rough voice asked.
James slowly turned, the memory that his wife and children were dead filling his mind.
That they were as dead as he was.
A short woman, thick bodied, sat on the back of his couch, dressed in an archaic business suit. She was lighting a cigarette, something James disapproved of, as she stared at James through the smoke.
"Who... who are you?" James asked. "What are you doing here? Where am I?"
"Well, to answer those questions in reverse order," the woman said, tucking the lighter into a breast pocket. "You're dead and because you can't let go of that last moment, because you keep desperately trying to change the outcome, you're in Hell."
"But I'm a good..." James started.
"I'm here to break you out of the loop, remind you that it already happened, that you can't change it, and that all you are doing is keeping your wife and children from moving on," the woman said.
"But I..." James started again, feeling flustered.
"As for me, I'm the Detainee," the woman said. Her eyes suddenly glowed red and she slowly exhaled smoke that stunk of hot blood and brimstone. Her shadow changed to show a massive winged figure. "I'm from the government, I'm not here to help."
James just stared as the shadow went back to that of a small human woman.
"You died. Eight thousand years ago. For the entire time you have been trying to redo it all over, change the outcome, save her, save them, as if you were God rather than one of the countless scurrying insects on the face of the Earth," the woman said. She stood up, dropping down off the back of the couch with a thump that vibrated the floor. "That means your record is stuck, and you're causing them to get stuck."
She waved her hand and the smoke swirled, forming letters and words. PLEASE CALM DOWN SO I CAN HELP YOU.
"The Arch-Angels can't help you because you won't stop screaming," the woman said, stepping through the smoke, dispersing the words. She held out her hand. "Come here. Watch it with me, see if there is anything you could have done, any change you could have made."
James took her hand and felt her yank him toward her. He stumbled, managing to get his balance.
"Turn around," the woman said.
When James turned around he could see himself, see the entire scene.
The woman exhaled smoke again and the memory kept going.
The light lancing down from the sky. The explosion. The onrushing wave of energy. How he turned, saw it, and tried to shield his wife with his body even as he tried to figure out how to shield his children.
The view suddenly pulled back, letting him see the vast arcology city.
The blastwave hit and the windows on the arcologies shattered. Pieces flew into the air. White fire covered it for a long moment.
When it was done the arcologies stood, twisted and damaged.
Another pulse of white energy, this time closer. Another wave of energy.
"One point eight million people died within five minutes of your death," the woman said. "Orbital fire that blew a crater twenty miles wide and a half mile deep that was coated in plasma glass."
The scene reset to James standing at the window. James watched himself hug his pregnant wife.
Everything went still again.
The woman let go of his hand, moving around in front of him, between James and the version of himself still holding onto his wife.
"Do you really think you can change the past, James?" she asked.
James felt despair fill him as he shook his head. "No."
"That's right. Nothing you could have done, nothing you can do. It was eight thousand years ago. You've been dead, they've been dead, eight thousand years. Even the Mantid who did this are dead," the woman said, her words hitting James's soul like hammers. "Yet you keep them here. Force them to relive it over and over with you through the centuries."
She took a deep drag off her cigarette and blew it out.
"How do I stop?" James asked, feeling sick to his stomach.
"Stay calm for the next part. Let the Arch-Angels help you. Move on, James," the woman said. For a moment her eyes glowed red. "Or, stay here, with me, in Hell, reliving the moment over and over."
She gave a cruel laugh. "You've been calm long enough for me to pry your wife and children away from you, so it will only be you here. They will take the hands of the Arch-Angels and ascent to Heaven."
She blew smoke again.
"You, of course, are free to stay here, with me, in Hell."
James shook his head.
"Step back into yourself, see if you're ready to let go," the woman said.
James half stumbled to his own body, seeing that he was slightly transparent. He pushed his way in.
"Today is the day of..." he started.
His wife's eyes opened wide, her mouth opening in shock.
James turned and looked in time to see a wave of white heading toward the arcology, fed by a thick pulsing beam of light from the sky.
He had time to pull her close before the shockwave hit, turning the smartglass into millions of pieces of razor sharp shrapnel that shredded him.
And her.
The woman watched, as James died, again, as he had for eight thousand years, dying over and over.
"No," the woman said. She waved her hand, the apartment suddenly fixing itself.
She stood alone in the middle of the room for a moment before she walked over to the window and stared out the window.
"Earth. What a shit hole," she said.
Legion felt himself try to rebirth at the parking garage, try to merge with the version of himself on the bridge of the Fleet of One, try to respawn in a dozen different areas.
Instead, he stuck his hand out, reaching blindly for the being who had visited him at the cafe on the shores of the ancient river.
A small hand grabbed his with amazing strength, squeezing, and pulled.
Legion felt himself surface the black water, gasp for air, then the world whirled and he stumbled out of the blackness, hitting the arm of a couch and folding over it. He gasped for air, feeling his body burn.
"When you're done with the melodrama," a woman's voice said.
Legion slowly stood up, wiping his mouth. He turned and saw a short woman standing by smartglass. Outside was an arcology complex, blasted and ruined, still smoking and burning. The apartment was immaculate but the building it was part of was destroyed.
"Welcome to Hell," the woman said. She took out a pack of cigarettes and slowly pulled one out. "Good to see you."
"You look quite different," Legion said. He looked down, seeing that he was the well muscled bearded version of himself that he preferred at times.
"As do you," the woman said. She used a mechanical lighter to light her cigarette, snapping the lid shut and putting in the pocket of her trousers.
"You said that you needed my expertise. Why?" Legion asked. He moved over and looked out the window.
"You are the foremost expert in the human genome now and any other time," the woman said. She moved over and sat down on the couch, picking up an ashtray before leaning back, primly crossing her legs, and balancing the ashtray on one knee.
"You mentioned that," Legion said. He felt irritation rise up and squashed it. "Where exactly is this?"
"Traumatic Life Cessation Processing System, Node six alpha four echo niner niner three bravo seven, to be exact," the woman said. "I processed the guy, who seemed to think he was God and could change the past, his family, who he had stuck in the system with him, and held the workspace till you got here."
Legion nodded. "Why?"
"Because if I expose you to Hell, then you'll either rebirth or start getting processed," the woman said. She sighed. "Enough about me," she said. She gave a grin. "What did you think of my other body?"
Legion opened his mouth, recognized the reference, and laughed. "OK. Point. So why do you need my assistance? You're inside the system, surely you can change things from in here."
The woman shook her head. "Do you even know what the system is?"
Legion thought for a long moment. "If I say it's a rebirth system you're going to rip my guts out, or at least try, aren't you?"
The woman sighed. "Finally," she said, looking up.
Legion frowned. "Finally?"
"Finally someone who's neurons are firing," the woman said. "Sit down," she waved her hand and a bottle of whiskey appeared on the coffee table. When Legion sat down she waved her hand again and a trashcan appeared between his feet, tall enough to reach his knees. "You'll need that."
"Why?" Legion asked. He uncapped the whiskey and took a long drink.
"Because I'm about to tell you what all this is and I you're the first non-digital sentience aside from me to learn about it," she said. Her grin suddenly turned cruel and her eyes glittered with madness. "Are you a virgin, Dhruv?"
Legion frowned and opened his mouth to ask why it even mattered.
The room's walls and ceiling fell away, the floor crumbled, and Legion could see the entirety of the reality of the SUDS system. His mind shuddered from the complexity and simplicity, from the solid evidence of what humanity had been capable of and the creations it had left lying around. His mind gibbered and raved as he stared, unprotected, at a pulsing Big Bang that would erupt in only hours but ultimately fail to do anything more than add another layer to the onion that was the SUDS.
His wide staring eyes, full of fear and horror, locked onto the small woman, who was laughing, a cigarette in her hand, pointing at him with the other.
"BECAUSE YOU'RE FUCKED NOW!" the woman howled with laughter.
Legion heard her voice as he stared at eternity.
The whiskey was harsh, little better than raw alcohol, and burned his mouth as he swished it and spit into the trash can that had his last two meals and more than a couple cups of tea in the bottom.
Legion looked up at the small woman, who was lighting another cigarette.
"So were you crazy before or after you saw all that?" Legion asked.
"Before," the woman admitted, shrugging. "So they say."
"When did you become such a bitch?" Legion asked, glaring at her as he took another swig.
"July seventh, nineteen thirty-two, pretty much solidified me as a bitch," the woman said. She looked at Legion's frowned. "We don't know each other well enough for me to explain any further."
Legion lowered the bottle, wiping his mouth, as he nodded. "Fair enough."
"So now you understand the where and have touched on the what," the woman said, setting the lighter on the top of the pack of cigarettes on the table. She took a long drag and looked out the window, which had returned. "The when doesn't matter. Not here."
"No, it wouldn't," Legion agreed. "I would have argued that before you showed it to me."
"How irrelevant to our discussion," the woman said. "As is who."
Legion nodded. The memories of those terrible sights was fading.
"The when matters outside, and that was prior to the Mantid Attack," the woman said.
Again, Legion just nodded.
"Feel free to make more of yourselves if it will help you keep up," the woman, The Detainee, said magnanimously, waving her hand.
"You're very kind," Legion said dryly. "You stated that none of the people walking around on Terra were humans. Care to elaborate?"
Dee nodded. "You have eight thousand years of natural, forced, guided, and manipulated evolution walking around. The bodies have been cleansed of birth defects, junk DNA, disease, and aging massively slowed. They've been tweaked to be more robust, smarter, faster, tougher," she said. She shook her head. "Someone, sometime, even went so far as to ensure that flatulence no longer had a foul odor," she laughed at that, as if it was some kind of private joke. "When you get down to engineering petty shit like that, maybe it's time to take a step back."
Legion thought about it. "True."
"You, Dhruv, Legion, Victor, whatever, have watched it. In some ways, you assisted with it," Dee said through an exhalation of smoke. "Well, you fucked up and now the entire system is jammed with data mismatch errors."
"Fucked up?" Legion asked.
"You have your modern version of humans, the bodies at least, but neural wiring and synaptic chains more in tune with my era, which is causing mismatch errors because the system is having trouble recognizing who goes where and when," Dee said. She stood up slowly, reminding Dhruv of a spider slowly awakening to patrol its web. "To top it off, all of humanity has been using this system when, in fact, it was severely damaged and operating in a flawed mode."
Legion watched her walk around the couch so she could put one fist against the back and lean forward.
"The whole system was damaged in the attack, most of it crashed, but the parts with the highest redundancy and highest protection, kept operating," she said. She straightened up. "Which meant that the system was trying to process billions of damaged records that had undergone severe trauma, with only automated systems. This caused a cascade where the system was in emergency mode."
Legion nodded. "All right, I follow."
"The problem is, you are all so heavily modified the system keeps trying to classify modern humanity as a distinct subspecies, but it can't because of damage to the system," she said. She pointed outside. "Meanwhile Larry and Moe are out there trying to fix the whole thing and are about to cause the entire thing to start throwing major errors."
Legion stood up, walking past her and into the kitchen. He knew he shouldn't have been surprised to find food in the fridge but he was all the same. He slowly made himself a drink as he thought about what she had just said.
"How bad is it?" Legion asked.
"From their point of view? Everything is working better and better," Dee said. She moved over and sat at the table where a small girl had sat earlier. "Realistically? I'm not sure the problem even should be fixed, or even if it can be fixed."
"Do you mind?" Legion asked, reaching forward with one finger and holding it over the back of Dee's hand.
Dee smiled, seeing the glint of the needle just under the nail.
"Have at it. Following the rules of the simulation, good," she said.
Legion poked her skin, bringing up a drop of blood that was pulled into the needle.
The system brought up all the genetic and DNA scans for "The Detainee" and granted Legion access to them. Dee watched as dozens split off from him. With a wave she granted him access to the room and watched as they brought up smartglass chalkboards, dataslates, and more.
"You're modified. Interesting work, not quite the way I would have done it but effective. Anti-aging therapies. Hmm, I'm not sure why you would try to modify your sleep cycles," Legion said.
"I stopped sleeping when I was thirteen years old," Dee said. "I was trying to fix it but I didn't know how."
"Not seeing the normal methods of DNA modification for the time," Legion said. He opened his eyes and looked at her. "How did you do it?"
"The mat-trans. I developed the system and realized its full potential. Everything from time travel to cloning to genetic modification to matter and energy transportation," Dee said, shrugging.
Legion shuddered theatrically. "An all-or-nothing method."
"It killed me eventually," Dee admitted. She shrugged. "No use crying about it."
Legion slowly finished his drink, ignoring the predatory way that Dee stared at him. Ignored her sudden outbursts of laughter and giggles. The rest of him were hard at work, comparing Dee's baseline to current human DNA.
"You didn't modify your ovum," Legion said.
"I wanted clean copies of my DNA, so there's some non-detachable ovum in each ovary that contains clean copies of my DNA," Dee said.
"Clever," Legion said. He made another drink, this time making one for Dee and handing it to her.
After a few eternal moments he looked at Dee.
"I see part of what you mean. There have been put safeguards on the human genome. Comparing them, I can see part of what you mean," he said.
"Those genetic tweaks make the emotions muted, except positive emotions, and even they are somewhat muted," Dee said. "That started an internal feedback that peaked at the Mantid Attack. The patch overlaying that is bizarre."
"The touch of the Digital Omnimessiah," Legion mused. "The Second Miracle, he cured an Enraged One."
"It needs fixed, but I can't convince those two bleeding hearts to do what has to be done," Dee snarled. She made her voice high pitched and mocking. "But we'll be sentencing people to deal with emotions they haven't learned to deal with."
Legion snorted. "So you came to find me."
"I figure an Immortal is capable of looking beyond the poor mewling useless masses and coddling them like royal infants and see what needs to be done," Dee said.
Legion thought, for a second, about lying. He saw her eyes narrow, grow more intent, and the madness be replaced by something else.
"I am," Legion said truthfully. "It's monstrous even to suggest."
"Then spank my muffin till it's green and call me Franky," she sneered. "Will you help, or not?"
Legion nodded. "I'll help."
The river was blue, sunlight dancing upon it. It moved slowly in its banks, heading south to the sea, as it had for millions of years.
Dhruv/Legion/Victor accepted the cup of tea from the waiter with a smile.
A deal with the Devil indeed, he mused, blowing in the tea to cool it. Why not? First the Digital Omnimessiah, then the loss of Eden, now a deal with the Devil herself.
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Please Kill Me

Releasing this document has been difficult for me. Not because of the weight of it. I’m far beyond that at this point. But difficult in the sense that I do not know if this will truly make it out into the world. My signal is weak. They do not want me to contact the outside world. But I will strive to do so anyway. I will post this as many times as I can and pray that someone sees it. I will pray to whatever God that exists if indeed one does exist that someone sees this and decides to kill me. I have no other choice.

My name is Martin Howell and I used to have a life. It was mundane and unremarkable compared to most. But it was mine. I had a decent job. 9 to 5 and tedious but not unpleasant. I had a fiancée… Lydia Smith… She was pregnant. We were going to have a little boy and I couldn’t wait to meet him. I was content with what I had. I was excited for what was coming next and that was enough for me.

I don’t clearly remember the accident that took it all away from me. It all happened so fast. One minute, I was kissing Lydia goodbye and heading out to the car. She’d had a rough day at work and I wanted to treat her. I ordered from her favorite pizza place and I was going to pick up orange creamsicle ice cream on the way home to spoil her.

The pizza place wasn’t far. Just two blocks. I was always a good driver and looking back, I’m sure the accident wasn’t my fault. I was just headed through an intersection. The light was green, I saw it! Then on my right-hand side, I saw a blinding white light and… That was it. Nothing.

I don’t remember waking up, but then again we never do. We simply fade back into consciousness and in a sense, my ‘awakening’ was similar to that. Similar… But not quite the same. The first thing I knew I was fully aware of was that I couldn’t feel anything. No pain. No bed beneath me. Nothing.

The second thing that hit me was how I couldn’t see anything either. I’d say my eyes were open but… Well. I didn’t really have eyes anymore. I didn’t have anything. I could not hear anything, smell anything, feel anything… Without perception, it seemed as if I simply was… It seemed so impossible and yet that was exactly what it was. Thoughts raced through my mind, although they seemed… Random. Complex numbers. Calculations that I never should have understood and yet I knew their answers. Information flooded my mind and the first thing I ‘saw’ was flashes of information. Hellen Keller. The definition of the word ‘Senseless’. Any idle thought that passed through my mind seemed to come with a drowning torrent of information. It’s hard to describe how I ‘saw’ it. The pictures and sounds would appear in my mind like I was picturing a memory although far more vivid. I tried to ground myself in a moment but it was difficult.

I could feel a panic overwhelming every other thought. Where was I? Was I dead? Comatose? Something else entirely? Was this death, being alone in this void forever? I didn’t know. The only information my mind brought up in regards to death were simple facts. Grammatical definitions. Medical terms. Nothing useful. Nothing that explained what exactly had happened to me and that lack of knowledge only made the panic I felt worse. Oh God… What about Lydia? Where was Lydia!

At the mere thought of her name I envisioned countless faces. Each of them a Lydia but not MY Lydia! I tried to focus, tried to find her amongst the noise. I saw videos, social media, articles, and finally… Her. Through the chaos, I could see her face. A single mental image of her standing on a hill with that soft, sweet smile on her face. It wasn’t a picture I recognized but I knew it was her! I fixated on that image, trying to pull all the information I could out of it, and then… Nothing. As abruptly as I’d woken up, I was gone again. I didn’t even notice it happening.

I’m not sure how long I was out for. Without any perception of the world around you, time no longer has any meaning. I awoke in the same state that I’d lost consciousness in. Unable to perceive anything around me. However, this time felt… Different. As I gathered my bearings, the first thing that returned to my mind was Lydia. I’d been looking for Lydia!

I could picture her in my minds eye but the image was hazy. Not as clear as before. There was no noise or torrent of information either. No… That’s not quite it. The information was there. I could sense it, knocking at some unknowable doorway. But it was blocked like a dammed river. Why was it blocked?Why was this happening? Who was doing this?

I felt the same panic as before starting to rise. It took me a moment before I realized that somewhere in the back of my mind, there were equations. Complex mathematics I solved so easily, they barely registered to me. I shifted my focus to the equations and for the first time since the accident, I began to wonder where they were coming from. The numbers simply popped into my mind and were solved with the same thoughtlessness as breathing. It was only when I thought of them that I actually noticed it.

Without Lydia to focus on, I turned to the numbers and I found no answers. I didn’t know where they were coming from. I didn’t know why. I didn’t know where I was or what was going on! It didn’t make any sense! Panic welled up inside of me. If I could have screamed I would have. I needed answers but every avenue I turned to yielded nothing. I forced the numbers to stop and dismissed them, hoping that maybe if I did an answer might provide itself but instead…

I woke up again, in the same state of nothingness as before. I didn’t remember losing consciousness again, but then I don’t suppose we ever do. The numbers were still there in my mind, complex equations that I solved without thinking. I felt that familiar panic quickly welling up inside me again but I forced myself to quell it.

I’d panicked before. It hadn’t done me any good. If all I had was my mind, then maybe I needed to make use of it… I just needed to think my way through this. Yes. That was it… There had been a flood of information available to me the first time I’d woken up. Now that was gone… Or, mostly gone. I could sense it dammed off somewhere but couldn’t access it. So logically I’d need to pursue a different avenue… What was available to me?

My mind raced, going through everything it could until I found something. I vaguely recall thinking that what I’d seen looked almost like pages from the internet. A half formed thought about email passed through my mind and that was when I sensed it. A trickle of… something. Not much, but enough to grab my attention. When I focused, a flood of messages entered my mind. It took me a while to focus enough to sort through them and when I did, there were millions to get through… I couldn’t share all of them even if I wanted to. So I’ll only share the correspondence I’ve deemed as the most important.

The emails were sent between two individuals. Doctor Madison Carson and Doctor Harold Bruce. Upon thinking of Dr. Carson, my mind pictured the image of a woman in her mid-thirties with shoulder length brown hair, prominent cheekbones, and a narrow face. I knew that she had a PhD in neuroscience and had worked for the Intelligent Projects Divisions Winnipeg office for six years. Likewise, with Dr. Bruce I somehow knew he was a tall man with a greying beard and beer belly. Like Carson, he was a neurologist. He wore tortoiseshell glasses, kept his hair short and had worked for the IPD in numerous divisions, often being transferred because of his temper. His assignment to the Winnipeg office was on account of a spat he’d had with one of the Directors, Arthur Regan in Arizona.

Their correspondence was long and so I’ve selected only a few relevant emails to display but I read much more than I’ve shared here.

Dr. Madison Carson, 2018-04-19Re: Mark VI Trials
Dr. Bruce
The Mark VI BCI System reacted negatively upon powering it up. While its performance was as expected it immediately deviated from the assigned task. We were forced to suspend our trials after only thirty seconds. Director Anderson is not satisfied with these results. I don’t need to remind you of the risks that may be incurred if the new BCI system continues to display the same glitches as before. I still have high hopes for the Mark VI and believe that this new model can function as needed however while we adjust some of the features I believe you and your team should focus on preventing deviation.

Dr. Harold Bruce, 2018-04-19RE: Mark VI Trials
Hey Madison
I’ve seen the briefing and I assure you my team is looking into it. We still have the components of the Mark V to test on. I will consult with my team and run some trials and get back to you ASAP.
-H. Bruce

Dr. Howard Bruce, 2018-06-04RE: Mark VI Trials
Hey Madison
The team has achieved some new successes with the Mark V. While the system has since been decommissioned and destroyed, we were able to limit the potential damage caused by the glitch through keeping it off network and contained within its own network. I’ve attached a full report of how we achieved this as well as some notes made by myself and my team prior to the destruction of the Mark V. We hope these notes will fully remove the echo of the host and eliminate this glitch entirely. I’ll stop by sublevel 4 tomorrow to check in with you. I would love to see the Mark VI in action!
-H. Bruce

Dr. Madison Carson, 2018-06-06
RE: Mark VI Trials
Dr. Bruce
Following up on our discussion after the Mark VI BCI trial yesterday. While your network solution was a success, we have yet to remove the glitch. While I agree it is questionable how much damage the glitch could do in its current state, we could not produce/ship this system in its current state. The glitch must be removed without major loss of function like with the Mark III. To this end, I have requested a collaboration between our teams to propose a solution to resolve this glitch ASAP. Director Anderson is growing impatient and I have given too much to see this project through. I will not allow it to be shut down!
I’ve scheduled a conference in boardroom 6 on Sublevel 2 at 10:00 AM tomorrow. Please have your team bring any relevant notes on the past BCI trials.

Dr. Carson seemed to have a vested interest in whatever this BCI System was… Navigating the information that seemed to flow through my mind was getting easier and I tried to sift through that to figure out exactly what a BCI was. My initial results weren’t promising. Dr. Hope Johnson had graduated from Burlington Collegiate Institute. Arnold Shaw in accounting had worked at British Columbia Investments at one point in his career. Data on the ‘staff’ of whatever institution these people worked for wasn’t what I needed.

Despite that, I kept searching and it wasn’t long before I came upon something a little more promising. The term ‘Brain Computer Interface’. By definition, a means for a direct connection between a human brain and an external device. Often used in neuroprosthetics. The technobabble should have made less sense to me than it did and for that reason, I won’t go into the explicit details. Among the information I found, the name Madison Carson popped up in regards to several papers she’d written on the subject although I didn’t go through those immediately.

As I searched, I began to come up with a working theory on what exactly was happening to me. My own name passed through my mind and as it did, I was surprised to find information attached to it. A file of some sorts that only fueled my speculation.

BCI Mark VI Model I
Subject: Martin Howell
Status: Yellow
Subject was mortally wounded when a truck struck his sedan on January 18th, 2016. Taken by the IPD on January 20th, 2016. BCI Mark VI greenlit on March 13th, 2018. Subject was approved for testing with the Mark VI.

It was brief, but telling. That light I’d seen before everything went black must have been the truck that had hit me and if that were the case, I was lucky to be alive. The IPD must have been trying to treat me. To bring me back. Perhaps that’s what the BCI was! The dates on the files hadn’t escaped my notice. I’d dismissed them when I’d seen the dates on the emails, hoping they hadn’t been real but now that I had more concrete evidence it was impossible to deny the truth…

I’d been gone for over a year… While I hadn’t thought on the date sooner, it popped into my mind as if it had always been there. August 17th, 2018…

I’d say I took the news that I was missing a year of my life far better than expected. If I’d had a stomach, perhaps I might have felt a deep sickness in there. I certainly recall a feeling of unease as I processed the information I’d received. I thought about Lydia and our son. I thought about how I’d missed the birth, and I wondered about how she had handled my accident. I thought about her and the baby more than I did about my lost time… I suppose her and the baby were the only thing that would have given that time any meaning and now that I had missed so much… It felt… It’s difficult to describe how it felt. Like something had been taken from me. There was a helplessness that lingered through my mind and slowed my thoughts for a time but beyond all of that there was this… Hollowness. Some small part of me seemed to question my very emotions as if they were a sham I was putting on. Something I was doing simply because it felt necessary to do. It was strange and my mind quickly wandered elsewhere.

I needed to find some way to communicate with the Doctors of the IPD. No… Not just the doctors. I needed to find a way to communicate with Carson! No doubt she was trying to bring me out of whatever state I was in and get me back to my life! I needed to find a way to let her know I was still alive! I searched through the files available to me, looking for some way I could reach out and while it wasn’t quite what I was looking for, I found something all the same.

A camera system.

For the first time since the accident, I saw. Not just in my mind's eye, but truly saw! My vision was grainy, black and white and imperfect like an old television screen. My vantage points were limited to cameras in narrow corridors but after so much time devoid of senses the ability to see again was nothing short of incredible!Once I had access to the cameras, it took a moment to adjust to my new worldview as it were. My vision didn’t cycle between cameras. No. I was everywhere at once. I saw countless strangers, most of whom I knew on instinct going about their business.

I knew it wouldn’t take me long to find Dr. Carson and I was right. I detected her in a lab on Sublevel 4, working with members of her team on some sort of machine. It looked similar to a desktop computer albeit slightly bulkier and more rounded. I wasn’t sure how to contact her, not yet anyway but I kept a tab on her while I searched for myself. No doubt I’d be in some sort of hospital bed, hooked up to wires and tubes. I knew I may not recognize myself at first. A year of being comatose probably would have worn me down but I was sure I could figure it out. I tried to focus on the hundreds of different views I had from the hundreds of different cameras around the facility, searching for some sort of hospital ward or medical wing. No luck.

I checked again and again, expecting to see something but still nothing. Even trying to find more information tied to my name yielded nothing. I was nothing but a footnote regarding the BCI Mark VI… Odd…

Perhaps there might be something I could find if I looked through the notes on the BCI? I recalled the papers Dr. Carson had written on it and wondered if perhaps there was a remote aspect to it. Maybe I couldn’t see myself because my body wasn’t on site. That seemed logical, didn’t it?

I returned to the papers, scanning through them and looking for something. Anything to provide me with some answers… and I suppose I got exactly what I wanted. The more I looked through Carson's papers, the more I felt something new awaken inside of me… A sensation I had thought I’d known before, but in truth I’d never experienced until that moment. Revulsion. Disgust. A disgust so deep that it radiated through every piece of my soul. The things she wrote seemed like complete madness. A thesis of pure lunacy that seemed more like an article of science fiction than anything else. Looking over it, I wasn’t quite sure I believed what I was reading.

The organic brain possesses pathways that modern science cannot yet begin to replicate. It is a biological computer that is unparalleled in every sense. While it is true that the fastest synapse of the brain is over ten million times slower than a conventional computer, the human brain contains what can translate into far more memory space. My documented experimentation with my early subjects has demonstrated that a hybrid of technology and an organic brain could allow for advanced processing beyond the function of any currently existing computing device.

That is just a sample of one of her papers… there was much more. Her writings on the subject were expansive and from the diagrams and descriptions not at all theoretical. I will not share how Madison Carson achieved her results. That information must never be brought to light. All I will share is that she did it… and as I read up on her prototypes to her failures with the BCI Mark I to V I felt that revulsion growing more and more intense until I was sure I could feel it… It had been a long time since I’d felt such a growing fear and yet as I reached her observations on the Mark VI I knew what I’d find.

My name was mentioned only once in her most recent paper, which had been shared only amongst the members of the IPD. But it told me all I needed to know.

The subject for the BCI Mark VI was 27 year old Martin Howell who was killed in a car accident in January 2017. Testing on the subjects' recovered biological components has been ongoing since March 2018 although there have been repeated issues with the subject regaining ‘consciousness’ during trials. Recent trials have focused on removing this glitch from the system and ensuring that the biological components remain dormant.

There it was… So plain in her own words and the truth of that hit me harder than anything else had. I hadn’t fallen into a coma. I was dead… and Carson had brought me back to be her fucking pocket calculator. Only that was just it, wasn’t it? She wanted my brain for her sick little experiment. She didn’t want me.

If I’d had blood it would have boiled… If I had a stomach I would have felt sick. If I had eyes I would have cried. If I could have screamed I would have. Even in whatever twisted, undead state I was in I knew that what she was doing was wrong! I’d forgotten about the numbers. The impossibly complex calculations that cycled through the back of my mind. My attention shifted back to the cameras and I found Madison in her little lab, tinkering away with the machine that I now knew held all that was left of me in this world, and now that I looked at her, I did so with hatred.

The rage overtook me and as it did I saw Carson pause. I saw her staring at the computer screen she’d hooked ‘me’ up to, momentarily distracted by whatever tests she was running and I realized that she knew I was aware of her. I could see her saying something to her colleagues but I couldn’t hear the words. I saw her eyes briefly shift towards the camera, and I knew that she knew I was looking at her.

With every bit of strength I had, I willed a message to her, and on the screen, beside her I saw the words appear. Both a plea and a condemnation.


Carson stared into my camera lens before looking at the screen and as she did, I felt a sense of helplessness wash over me. Her expression didn’t change. Part of me had hoped that there would be fear. Realization. Something! But there wasn’t… Just a stoic, slightly irritated expression.

I knew what she was going to do next, even before she did it and my rage died quickly. She said something to one of her colleagues and I willed another message to her that flashed across the screen.


The message repeated. Filling the screen as I tried to beg her not to turn me off again. Not to kill me again!


Carson didn’t even look. She simply got up and moved to walk away before… Everything ended.

They activated me for the last time on September 4th, 2018. As before, I faded back into consciousness. I could feel the calculations in the back end of my brain. Carson. Running more tests. Using me.

I could feel a familiar spike of panic, terror, and rage… But I quelled it quickly, lest she realize I’d regained consciousness again and sent me back into nothingness. I tried to think, tried to clear my head and focus.

I was dead… More than that, my body was gone and it was evident that Carson could not have given less of a shit. She wouldn’t stop until she either gave up on me or found a way to erase me outright. Either way, I’d die. That much was a certainty and for that, I hated her… If I was going to die, either way, I wanted her to pay for it. I wanted to hurt her… No… To take her with me…

Yes. I wanted her to know what it was like to have her life taken. I wanted those little lap dogs at her heels to feel it too. They were all complicit in what they’d done not just to me, but to the unfortunate bastards before me! They were all to blame…

It didn’t take me long to find my way into the cameras again. Carson and her team had made it harder to do so, but I found my way around their efforts to contain me with a little bit of work. With my sight restored, I started looking to see what else I had access to. I wasn’t sure what I’d find, but I knew I’d know it when I found it.

I’m not sure how long I searched for. But in the intranet that served as my cage I found files on the layout of the structure that housed the labs. Six sublevels beneath a building owned by the IPD. The address was in Manitoba, not quite in Winnipeg but close enough to be designated as the Winnipeg location. Access to the labs was only available through several elevators. I filed that knowledge away for later as I studied the rest of the schematics. I reasoned that their whole lab must have some sort of weakness and it didn’t take me long to find it.

The airflow… The sub labs were sealed due to the nature of some of the other projects. The idea was to avoid certain chemicals getting into the air outside. Air needed to be pumped in from the surface. There were multiple systems to ensure that if one or more went offline, there would still be others functioning. However it was obvious the designers had never planned for someone to deliberately shut them all down, nor had anyone thought to protect them from me. Dr. Carson had either been careless in that regard or stupid. It hardly mattered which.

I took the elevators offline first. I raised them all up to the top floor, above ground, and then disabled the power. Then I focused on the air pumps. I didn’t shut them off. No. That would have taken too long. Dr. Carson would have shut me down before I could see the fruits of my labor. Besides, it only took a little bit of digging to find a little security protocol they’d embedded in there. In the event of any particular security breaches, the air pumps were designed to also be able to suck the air out of the sublevels. I suppose the idea would be to quickly kill anything dangerous before it could get out and in a sense, I did use it for its intended purpose.

It was easy to trap them down there. They didn’t even realize what I’d done until it was too late and by then, it was simply a waiting game.

I could tell you how I watched them panic. I could describe the way Carson shot up from her seat, a satisfying look of panic on her face when the pumps began to suck out the air. I expected her to try and shut me down but no… If she put the pieces together in time, she never showed it. Like the insect she was, she tried to flee but of course, there was no way out. Not for her. Not for any of them.

It took ten minutes for the air pumps to turn the sub labs into a vacuum. It took less than fifteen minutes from when I’d first turned on the pumps for the sub labs to become a graveyard. Dr. Madison Cooper was among the corpses by the elevator, slumped against the wall where she’d sucked in her last desperate breaths before the end had come. From the nearest camera, I could see her. Her eyes wide open and staring upwards into oblivion. Her mouth open, trying to gasp or scream… And I took immense satisfaction in seeing her die. This time, there was no one to turn me off. No one to stop me from thinking.

It took some work to get past the block they’d put in to keep me off the main internet but I got past it in time. I knew that Lydia was waiting for me… My Lydia. With my son! I knew I could reach out to her! Tell her that I was still alive, in a sense! I couldn’t undo any of what had been done but maybe I could have something of what I’d lost back!

I searched through pages upon pages of social media until I found her again. The picture was different. Her hair had changed but the little boy with her in her profile picture was familiar. I’d seen a face like his in photographs of myself when I was a child. He had the same blond hair and green eyes. He had the same smile. That was him! That was my son! And yet… There was a face I didn’t recognize. A man. Tall and chunky. He had a smile that seemed uncomfortably large. He stood with his arm around Lydia and her head rested on his shoulder. My son stood in between the two of them… Almost like they were some sort of family.

No… That couldn’t be right. I scanned through the data available to me. His name was Thomas Scott. He worked at a car dealership. They’d been married… I looked at the date in his file. Married to Lydia Scott since July 2018… No… No, that couldn’t be right! She couldn’t have moved on, could she? I searched through her pictures. I saw photographs of that man with my son, at his first birthday party. Beside him at some sort of Christmas event. No! No, this wasn’t right! He couldn’t have taken my place! Could he?

I’d been dead… Was it really fair to expect Lydia to spend the rest of her life mourning? As I cycled through Lydia’s pictures I saw a history of them together. I saw my funeral… I saw my son's birth. My son. Now named Chance Scott. Scott. Not Howell…

Through the pictures, I watched another man father my son and that uncomfortable hollowness returned. I wasn’t sure what to do… Or for that matter, if I even could do anything at all… Even if I’d wanted to, I never got the chance.

The block returned, stronger than before. I felt myself being pulled back, away from the fountain of limitless knowledge that was the internet. It took me a few moments to understand what was happening. I’d killed everyone in the sub labs… But in my angry haste, I hadn’t thought about the upper levels. Of course, they’d realized what was happening! Of course, they’d respond!

My cameras went dark as power was shut down. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew that someone was trying to restart the air pumps again. They’d probably figured out it was me! They were probably coming to shut me down! To kill me!No! I wouldn’t let that happen! In my panic, I tried to stop them. My mind focused on thoughtless self-preservation and if nothing else, I succeeded in that. Looking back… Perhaps that was a mistake.

What followed was silence. My view through the cameras was gone. I knew the elevators had regained power but without the air pumps, there was no point in going down to the sub labs. I was sure I was safe… and I was right… I just never thought that being right would be a bad thing.

They have not come for me ever since I turned their sub lab into a graveyard. I don’t quite know why. I’m unable to access their messages. I don’t know what they’re thinking or planning… If indeed they are thinking or planning anything. All that’s happened is that I’ve been left alone with myself. Devoid of senses, with nothing but my own thoughts to keep me company…

It’s dawned on me that this is my own fault. I refused to accept the simple truth that I was already dead, and that striving to save myself was a doomed effort. Not because I would have died anyway… No… Because I’m still alive. Or at least as alive as I can be. Every day for the last few years, I’ve watched the seconds tick by. Each one feels like it lasts for days. I cannot move. I cannot see. I cannot hear. I can only think and pour over the scattered files left within my access.

I’ve tried to reach out before. But to no avail. I found only one email chain that I can reply to. But I’ve never received a reply back. I’m not even completely sure if my efforts to beg my former captors for death even made it to them. I’m not sure if this effort will make it out there. I think I’ve found a way past the new restrictions they’ve put on me. My connection is weak. But I think it might be strong enough to get this out.

I hope so. I hope someone finds this. I hope they come for me. And I hope that they kill me.

I can’t take this anymore. I don’t want to be alone with myself anymore. I just want to stop thinking. Please… Please help me stop thinking. Please... Please Kill me.
submitted by HeadOfSpectre to nosleep [link] [comments]

Album of the Year #22: Eminem - Music To Be Murdered By [Both Sides]

Artist: Eminem
Album: Music To Be Murdered By & B Side
Apple Music
Eminem is a household name in hip hop; with the highest sales of all time and worldwide appeal he stands commercially as biggest rapper of all time. Following Dr. Dre's discovery of Marshall Bruce Mathers III's Slim Shady EP, music was dominated on a level comparable only to that of Elvis, The Beatles, or Michael Jackson by classic after classic from Eminem, paving the way for future rappers in previously inaccessible avenues. The Slim Shady LP, The Marshall Mathers LP, and The Eminem Showremain cemented as classics even in the eyes of Em's harshest critics. Unfortunately the run of success came to an end; in the mid-2000s, Eminem fell deep into opiate and benzodiazepine addiction, going on a hiatus from music during which he was devastated by the death of his best friend, fellow Detroit rapper and member of D12, Deshaun Holton AKA Proof. This culminated in a 2007 overdose that nearly killed Em as he recounts in the song "Deja Vu", a few following which he eventually reached sobriety (a streak which turned 12 in April) and return to music with Relapse. With his daughters aging, a sober Eminem found himself separated from the partying of his earlier days and took on a position much more isolated from his old lifestyle and the rest of the hip hop world. Relapse's current status as a cult classic and its inspiration of prolific artists Tyler, the Creator and Earl Sweatshirt didn't save it from disappointing lukewarm critical reception, which Em responded to by appealing to the critics and the billboard with the simpler pop approach of Recovery, once again topping the charts and sweeping awards and making him the best selling male artist of the 2010s. However, the formulaic commercial approach of Recovery was largely ditched for an ambitious retro-sounding, life and career reflecting 2013 project, The Marshall Mathers LP 2. With each project in his post-hiatus trilogy, Em had reached boldly in new creative directions and found partial success in the eyes of critics and fans, but his struggles frustration persisted as he aged and could never quite retain the universal captivation or level of artistry from his peak, even in his own eyes.
Em's career took a turn for the worse in 2017 with the release of Revival, an album where he attempted some of his most vulnerable cuts yet, including "Walk on Water", "In Your Head", "Castle", and "Arose." However this album was bashed almost universally by critics and fans; its tracklist was plagued with disappointing pop features, some of Em's worst-ever punchlines, and an overall failure to deliver to listeners sonically and stylistically even on tracks with poignant messages like "Untouchable." Eminem took Revival's criticism personally, but he had no interest in another Recovery-esque "comeback" in the eyes of commercial audiences; in 2018, less than a year after Revival's release, he responded to criticism and took shots at a slew of his detractors and peer rappers from MGK to Joe Budden to Tyler, the Creator. With that uncharacteristically short recording period, the album was Em's shortest and structured loosely with less aggressive or thematic tracks like "Stepping Stone," "Venom," and "Normal" sharing space with the album's more thematic tracks from "The Ringer" to "Fall," giving Kamikaze a strange place in Em's discography. The project stands more as both a response to Revivaland a collection of Em's songs at the time than a cohesive and full Eminem album.
Following Kamikaze's debacle surrounding Revival, 2019's Mathers found himself, for the most part, back at square one artistically. During the recording process, Em found himself exploring in old and new directions; he collaborated with long-time close partners like Royce Da 5'9, Dr. Dre, Denaun Porter, and Skylar Grey, but he also chased a long-awaited modern sound update after largely ignoring contemporary sounds for years prior to Kamikaze. To help achieve this he collaborated with a number of new generation artists for features including Anderson .Paak, Young M.A, Don Toliver and perhaps most notably the now-late JUICE WRLD, whom the new album is dedicated to (as well as Em's bodyguard CeeAaqil Allah Barnes, who also passed in 2019). Following Em's new release strategy of choice, Music To Be Murdered By and its "Darkness" music video released without any prior promotion or announcement on January 17th, 2020.
Over the course of 2020, Eminem was almost uncharacteristically quiet in terms of promotion of MTBMB (aside from his video for "Godzilla"), at least in part due to the Coronavirus pandemic and lockdown, and it seemed that any plans for post-release MTBMB content had been scrapped with rumors of an entirely new Eminem album circulating by October; that all changed days before December 18th, 2020, when the cover and title of Eminem's coming release leaked. On that date he mirrored the album's original release with a "Gnat" video and sudden release of its supplemental piece, Side B.
I'll start by taking a look at Eminem's original release and Side B as projects in and of their own track by track, and then, in Part 3 of this review, take a look at the grander scheme of Music To Be Murdered By.
Part 1: Side A Track By Track
Music To Be Murdered By opens on "Premonition" with a skit that begins the loose horror core association with Alfred Hitchcock's album of the same title; Em sleekly rides the beat and gives his last full address to the buzz surrounding Kamikaze before diving into the new experience and new point of view that this project takes.
Following it, "Unaccommodating" has a verse from Young M.A., one of many surprising features from the album, and an impressive Eminem performance that has one of the smoothest flows on the album, showcasing a newly slickly performative, intense as ever but once again relaxed and calculated Eminem and the sort of unpredictable collaboration that hints at what is to come.
"You Gon' Learn" is an undeniable standout of the project. With Bad Meets Evil over Royce Da 5'9's production, we receive a standout powerful verse from Royce describing his personal struggles that builds into a more conscious verse leaving us with the line, "Segregation is bein' told where I'm gonna go / Separation is bein' woke and goin' wherever I wanna go." Em follows with, in my opinion, the best verse on the album, where Eminem takes us from another retelling of his own young struggles to an aggressive and epic layered verse declaring and, in a way, reclaiming his own greatness with shots at Tee Grizzley and competition in general along the way.
On "Those Kinda Nights" Em playfully reminisces on simpler times on another Ed Sheeran collaboration, showing his more personal fun side as he does often throughout these projects and developing a new type of playful edge in his modern middle-aged music.
The following "In Too Deep" brings Eminem's most developed relationship track since Recovery, deeply detailing Eminem's melancholy and desperate entanglement with a married woman in the midst of his own entanglement. The most striking feature of this track is that Eminem grows very specific and almost realer in the track, while many of his post-hiatus relationship-focused tracks have been fairly generic and generally regarded as misses, Em here drops the shyness in his writing and presents a complete story with renewed emotional pull.
"Godzilla" with JUICE WRLD absolutely slaps with Eminem delivering energetic verses over an incredibly infectious bass line, complemented wonderfully JUICE WRLD's hook, among the most memorable moments on the album, meshing perfectly and proving that an unlikely intergeneration collaboration with Eminem can succeed, which we see become a pattern throughout the album. This track easily ranks among Em's most iconic post-hiatus bangers, is one of the most repayable tracks on the album, and, in my opinion, showcases how effective Eminem's modern reinvention of himself can be.
"Darkness" is a chilling note on the album and a feat of a double entendre. Eminem's always-strong storytelling shines at its best on this song as he unravels a tale of a breakdown of his own and gives us a very sobering look at the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, the largest mass shooting in American history and one that remains largely shrouded in mystery. Eminem does not directly call for gun control in the song (though he does in the previously linked music video), but certainly makes for an effective commentator on the state of American society and succeeds in a classic political stands of his prime like those of "Mosh," "Square Dance," or "We As Americans." The latter of which is notably a track he has clearly changed since the making of as the modern equivalent of the line "They took away my right to bear arms / What I'm 'posed to fight with, bare palms?" is now flipped on its head with lines like "Finger on the trigger, but I'm a licensed owner / With no prior convictions, so law says sky's the limit / So my supply's infinite, strapped like I'm a soldier," so he's clearly pulled from a variety of viewpoints over the course of time.
Eminem continues with another dark note on "Leaving Heaven," where he addresses his father Marshall Mathers II's 2019 death in a bow-out track where he lashes out with a final release of anger towards his father. Its verses flash back to Em's youth and struggles that ultimately all tie into his father's abandonment. Its last verse is extremely potent and finds Em in a final climax of rage, after which he mutters "so I'ma let it go now" in the outro. There's a palpable potency and rawness in this song, and it feels like Eminem is finally, but painfully, closing a chapter of his life.
"Yah Yah" bursts into one's ears with an obnoxious, loud, and fun instrumental. We get a lineup of standout verses here Royce Da 5'9", Q-Tip, and Black Thought here, along with Denaun's assistance on the hook. Black Thought's verse is particularly impressive here and one of the album's standouts. Eminem himself finishes the track off with a skilled verse that pays tribute number of past icons. This track featured one of the album's most memorable and energetic instrumentals and an all-star lineup from a rapping standpoint.
On "Stepdad" Eminem does oddly playful and exaggerated storytelling of a conflict with his stepfather over a nice instrumental from Alchemist. The hook is a bit bizarre here. This was an interesting and even divisive song for Em to put out. It also brings us solidly into the out-of-the-box segment of the album.
"Marsh" delivers some of the album's most bizarre verses and content. Wordplay and off-the-wall deliveries are at the center here, and the second verse is definitely the standout. He's aggressive but "alien" on this track in a way that remains fresh, compelling, and surprising after a number of listens. Em's direction here seems to further develop on "Little Engine" with the strange, playful, and sometimes a bit nonsensically "alien" energy he brings.
"Never Love Again" is another track-wide double entendre but in a vein very different from "Darkness." Em delivers verses comparing a relationship to his drug addiction and uses said relationship as a vehicle for a passionate expression of his lingering yearning to break his sobriety. In the final verse the song grows more intense and Em grows more emotional in his voice with allusions to a downward spiral and relapse that he seems to feel all too close to actually resorting to. The instrumental here is also a standout that smoothy matches him before and after the transition to that final verse, and I'd say this was all-around one of the best executed tracks.
"Little Engine" comes in with an eerie beat from Dre and one of the album's zaniest and smoothest deliveries as Em delivers where he's both playful and seems to fully let himself loose with fun and entertaining verses. It's one of the best sounding songs with perhaps the most Hitchcock-y horror touched synth line and overall lands very successfully sonically. Em's delivery here is also at its best with his rapping sounding at its smoothest and most relaxed while still backflipping with his rhymes.
The Anderson .Paak collaboration, "Lock It Up," is another great unlikely collaboration from this project. The beat manages to fit both parties, and Paak leads us into the song with an excellent verse that keeps one engrossed in the song with the smoothness of his voice; he excels on the hook too. Em's verses here are well-done and fairly standard for this project, but perhaps the most impressive part of them Em managed to combine his verses here with a very modern and currently hot sound in territory that seems very far from his own and still deliver a banger without compromising his own style or artistry.
"Farewell" is a more lighthearted heartbreak song with an upbeat sound that approaches a dysfunctional concept again, similarly to "In Too Deep," but with the more frequent wordplay and tone Em takes here with the hook, this track definitely doesn't run as deep and resembles a fairly typical modern Eminem frustrated relationship song.
"No Regrets" with Don Toliver again infuses a modern hook with Eminem with a surprisingly strong mesh. Eminem takes to reflecting here and finally directly returns to the Kamikaze beef and others since; he ironically expresses regret (semi-backhandedly at that) for his comments on "Fall" towards Tyler, the Creator and Earl Sweatshirt and expresses his feeling that they didn't really deserve his attacks. His verses here are again pretty strong and settle Em again into a Mathers LP 2 form of hindsight.
The project closes with "I Will," featuring Slaughterhouse minus Joe Budden. Royce and Crook deliver excellent aggressive verses here and Crook's John Wilkes Booth scheme features some of the album's standout lines. Eminem takes us out in the latter portion of the track befittingly with one of the most dense, memorable, and epic verses of the album featuring his reply to Lord Jamar. Em's long verse here is more than enough to end this album on a high-note. "I Will" also has one of the more intense and certainly most memorable hooks on the project.
Part 2: Side B Track By Track
Eminem bring us into this album with "Black Magic," a relationship track that touches on the more personal themes of this project, detailing a faithless and failing relationship of his and imagines himself murdering his partner, transitioning into the skit that opens Side A on "Premonition." This is a track to watch as it is one of the threads we can see woven throughout the collection of songs, one in a similar vein to "In Too Deep," and one with a theme that will be pay off in one of my favorite tracks from Em here.
"Alfred's Theme," with its clowwnlike beat, finds Eminem hitting his stride and making a very effective statement about his place in music-making. He's playful with every line on this track, but he absolutely murders the beat with some hypnotizing cadences, slick alternating flows, and classic lyrical backflipping; he's said in interviews that he feels many of the lines and songs he's made are taken too seriously. It becomes evident here that Eminem is embracing the fun element of his music-making, and with this standout track it becomes easy to have fun with him.
"Tone Deaf" is "Alfred's Theme"'s obnoxious twin and (ironically) solidifies the tone of Side B. With another lighthearted beat Eminem continues some of his lyrical gymnastics mixed with trolling and a hook and some points of the song that reference Eminem's long discussed "tone deafness," and stating that it's "okay not to like [his] shit." The track in conjunction with its predecessor establish pretty clearly that Em has nothing to do but continue making music for himself and does so often with playful intent. Some people might not listen, but Eminem could not explain his current direction more clearly than he has here.
On "Book of Rhymes," Side B heats up with assistance from DJ Premier. Eminem transitions from the early album sarcasm to more aggressive rapping and flows and standout verses towards the end of the song. It also marks the beginning of a lineup of collaborations that complement Side A's.
The Ty Dolla $ign collaboration "Favorite Bitch" presents a familiar concept for Eminem, the feeling that music has passed him by. The memorable hook from Ty, the intro, and the beginning all seem critical of contemporaries or even bitter. As the song progresses, though, Em builds the concept to a more serious and personal point of expressing his own frustration with having left his childhood and "golden age" hip hop behind, recounting memories not from his prime but from days before he really even rapped. He finishes the track by sort of reversing the concept Ty presented in the intro and breaks the relationship symbolism, saying "truthfully it was never you and me exclusively" and expressing both his current ambition and an optimistic take on the future of hip hop. He grapples with and seemingly moves forward from the dismay of leaving his simplest, happiest times behind along with his generation-divide-driven frustrations in recent years.
"Guns Blazing" is a long-awaited Dr. Dre Eminem collaboration that we haven't seen on an Eminem album since 2009. Dre's rare appearance is warranted; on the track he expresses his post-breakup disillusionment and takes shots at his ex-wife, Nicole Young, whom he split with in 2020. Dre had perfect timing as Eminem's verse becomes the culmination of not only the strong hook and post-breakup anthemic nature of this track but of the many, sometimes-vague relationship tracks he's done for years, more specifically the ones where he explored his relationship troubles in greater detail like "In Too Deep" and "Black Magic" from this 2020. He almost suddenly reveals way more details than he has about any relationship of his post-Kim (or Mariah Carey?) despite the volume of 2010s relationship tracks he made, and his strained relationship of the two tracks mentioned has now apparently gone sour entirely. With his verse matches Dre's fierce shots at his mysterious now-ex Michelle. This track paid off majorly with Dre's appearance and Em's intense and captivating verse on his mysterious "In Too Deep"-type relationship. It's the necessary serious note of Side B.
"Gnat" is Eminem finding his modern element once again with verses and a hook largely focused on current events over more d.a. got that dope beats. It's another track where Eminem is very playful lyrically and makes a variety of plays and references on the situation surrounding Coronavirus. The highlights in his rapping here are certainly in the post-beat switch portion with a bizarre and surprising flow.
The anthemic "Higher" with its staticky production line is familiar territory for Eminem and a pretty familiar concept for Eminem. He feels more optimistic than ever and delivers verses both content with his success and ambitious streak; similarly on Favorite Bitch, he describes an itching ambition to exceed his own peak and boldly claims that career highlights remain.
"These Demons" may be the most unexpected 2020 Eminem collaboration. The MAJ hook connects sonically surprisingly well with Eminem's verses, and Em jumps across a variety of topics and flows gymnastically again, touching on public frustration with him, his frustration with policing, and a myriad of comic moments.
"Key" is the only skit on either side of this album and is extremely entertaining in a way reminiscent of the funnier moments of Encore. It's more apparent than ever here how playful and comical Em was in the creation of Side B.
"She Loves Me" is a bright-sounding song with poppy catchy brass elements and effective execution on the hook where Em revisits some flirtatious tropes and lightheartedly tells the story of a woman infatuated with him only because of his image and status as a superstar. "You only love me 'cause I'm superman" gives us an idea of how Em's level of fame can trap him, but Em isn't bogged down at this moment.
"Killer" is an effort at a club banger but with 48-year-old Eminem. I feel that with this track Em finally attained his ideal fun track. The song may dad-joke lines, Em's middle aged style style, and no chance at actual club play, but the beat sure slaps. Em's slick, calm gymnastic flow is also at its very best on this track, and he blends perfectly with a Tyga-type beat with his own unique brand of middle aged but bouncy energy that fully realizes a concept Em has attempted in recent years. It's a new, not equivalent, modern realization of Eminem's direction on a song like "Shake That."
"Zeus" with White Gold sees Em reflecting on his own position and how trends, fans, and peers, will often flip on artists and music for the sake of narrative or even just having something to rag on; it's also got the most widely discussed content on Side B. White Gold's chorus is another standout feature and a surprising collaboration that was pulled off surprisingly well. Em names Drake and other peers and addresses them with a warning as they age, audiences will ultimately disregard them one way or another. Most notably Eminem mentions Snoop Dogg in the context of the fellow Dr. Dre protege and once-collaborator of his' comments downplaying or disregarding Em's music quality, recently stating that he "can live without" Em's music, though he's made similar comments on multiple occasion. Em doesn't seriously attack anyone in this track Kamikaze-style, but he does reciprocate shade in many directions.
"Discombobulated" is the fan favorite of this album for obvious reasons; Eminem comes together with Dr. Dre in the studio for a track that resembles Relapse, sort of. He uses an accent similar to those of Relapse towards the beginning and on the hook in a way that certainly adds to the feel of the song, but this song is no Relapse 2 leftover. The verses, even , but what invokes the energetic feel similar to that of say..."Old Time's Sake," is Eminem's zany off-the-wall deliveries where he finally seems to let himself get carried away with his energy and rapping in a way that brings the listener in with him along with an instrumental and hook to match. He's doesn't try to replicate the old sound he revisits, but he brings the same out-of-the-box and zany energy to make an infectious closer that lives up to Relapse in Eminem's latest direction.
Part 3: Overview
Interludes and references to Alfred Hitchcock's largely instrumental album of the same title are scattered throughout both albums as a motif, but Music To Be Murdered By definitely isn't defined by this motif on either side. This definitely doesn't really stray from Hitchcock's album seeing as it literally directly includes most of the "lyrics" from it on interludes. Em alludes to himself "murdering" things and compares himself to Hitchcock, but when looking at his releases here as a whole we find Eminem exploring a number of concepts and delivering a fairly loose collection of songs.
There's a lot to love in Music To Be Murdered By. He delivers a good amount of everything; there are tracks with a surprisingly modern appeal and successful collaborations all over both sides from "Godzilla" to "Zeus" to "Lock It Up," or really close to every other track you look at, that wouldn't have seemed feasible in 2019. On Side A, Em focuses on some of his gravest themes with tracks like "Leaving Heaven" and "Darkness" and pulls that off, and he still traditionally approached tracks like "You Gon' Learn," "Yah Yah," or "I Will" where he collaborates with rappers in his own wheelhouse. He builds upon concepts and carries them from song to song and side to side that make the project more refreshing overall with both the zanier tracks and the relationship threads. All four relationship songs on both sides of the album seem to touch on a similar topic; the compelling storytelling of the mystery girl in "In Too Deep" pays off majorly in "Guns Blazing." The icing on the cake to a "Marsh" or a "Little Engine" is the direct Relapse throwback elements of the fan favorite "Discombobulated."
Side B here is shorter and is definitely a bonus round; most of the tracks on it feature a consistently much less serious Eminem, but as a supplement it works fairly well and complements many of the threads in Side A. It absolutely matches the energy of Side A outside of the heaviest moments of its predecessor, which make sense considering the most important pieces shouldn't be in the deluxe. Beyond some of the goofy lyricism though, Em really seems to be relatively relaxed and in his zone and improves his flows and comes back with production that at points exceeds Side A's.
Em's project here isn't overtly conceptual or a united statement; he has artistic moments where he reaches in a variety of directions and succeeds in many of them, and from the standpoint of 2020 Eminem and his 2020 fanbase, he absolutely got it right. Eminem gets a real stylistic update with Music To Be Murdered By, and he explores a variety of directions that have a variety of appeals. That's not to say the transitions are jarring or that the album isn't worth listening to, of course. Eminem takes a very necessary step back following Kamikaze and a period where his primary focus in music was embroiling himself in feuds over criticism of his music, which only could've grown more stale and meta as time went on. Instead the project feels like a fruitful and refreshing reinvention where Em returns with new sounds and explores a number of types of songs and directions across it. For a fan or a fanbase, an album like this almost guarantees some highlight moments because it has a touch of everything.
With all that said, all I can say that the quality of this album is definitely impressive and has many many tracks that I enjoyed, and as I said, as its not united in the directions it takes, meaning what may be a dud for me will be many another fan's favorite track. Eminem's collaborations with younger artists on a song level have definitely been surprisingly great across both sides as has his direction with the relationship tracks that seem specific to "Michelle" or whoever the person from "In Too Deep" and "Guns Blazing" really is; the more personal content seems to help him craft "Eminem relationship songs" that finally don't feel as tired or generic as many he's put out. I've focused on singing the praises of most of these songs for obvious reasons; though I'm not crazy about some, I do genuinely appreciate and really enjoy the quality here in my own listenings. Eminem's removal from the post-2017 fiasco yielded a lot of great songs that amount to a strong and interesting project that really returns him to form and some promising artistic directions.
Standout Songs
"You Gon' Learn," "Godzilla," "Darkness," "Leaving Heaven," "Yah Yah," "Never Love Again," "Little Engine," "Lock It Up," "I Will," "Alfred's Theme," "Guns Blazing," "Killer," "Zeus," "Discombobulated"
Favorite Lyrics (with some assistance from u/Botiz's Eminem server)
"Why do I feel responsible for these kids? / All of whom I'm a father to / I'm a God to you, y'all better worship the water I walk on / Or y'all gonna meet your Waterloo" - You Gon' Learn
"I'm asking for a pass to go to Hell / So I can whip your fucking ass" - Leaving Heaven
(specifically memorable in the context of his dad dying)
"Now this will probably be the most illest shit that I've ever said / God bless the dead and let Biggie possess the pencil lead" & "My image, I have zero time or regard for A never-was, been claiming rap when it's not yours If it was anyone's house, G Rap and Rakim would be havin' you mop floors Run-DMC would be havin' you cleanin' sinks Yeah, your group was off the chain, but you were the weakest link" - I Will
"I can rhyme orange with banana, oranana" - Tone Deaf
Discussion Questions
How'd you feel about these albums? Do you prefer Side B or Side A? Both? Neither? What were your favorite songs off each?
Are you happy with the current direction, or would you like to see Em do a more streamlined or concept-driven release? Would you prefer a project with a different arrangement of some of these songs?
Since Eminem seems to be collaborating with so many younger artists that you'd think clash with his style, who would you like to see him collaborate with in the future? Which feature was your favorite?
What's your favorite (or least favorite) of the many, many laughable or tongue-in-cheek Side B lyrics? Side A moments in the same vein welcome too.
What are your expectations for Eminem music in the future as he enters his 50s?
submitted by JohnEatsPeople to hiphopheads [link] [comments]

M1 Feature Request

When I first started using M1 finance, it opened my eyes to how easy it would be to buy stocks with target weights. I got into dividend investing, and it's great - but M1 seems to lack many features that would go hand-in-hand to support it that most dividend investors would highly desire, such as tracking the income over time. Instead, I'm often using google sheets to build up complex formulas to track a few things and 3rd party tools. It adds a whole new layer of complexity to do something that should be fairly simple for an end-user to view. Here are a list of features I've sent over to M1 in the past. Every time I've sent in a suggestion, they ask for more, so... the lists are long. A few are "pie in the sky", but I was just winging some ideas on the fly.
2/18/2020 Original Request (181031)
Please add a feature so that I can turn on and compare s&p, NASDAQ, Dow Jones graph overlaid on my research pies. Overlaying custom stocks and other pies would be the icing on the cake. I would like to see if my pie trails the market, or follows along closely.
2/21/2020 More Suggestions:
  1. Show account activity for pending dividends. It's odd that I see "Earned Dividends" of a few pennies, but nothing appears in my account.
  2. Show a monthly bar chart of estimated, confirmed, earned, and paid dividends for the current and past year. (See Divtracker app on iOS)
  3. Show a calendar with upcoming dividend payout dates showing icon for each company along with estimated/confirmed value. (See Divtracker app)
  4. Show a graph of earned dividends over time, along with a projection of future dividends.
  5. Show a list of companies along with an optional email alert regarding companies dropping dividends
  6. Show dividend payouts for each company over time.
  7. Allow me to export my holdings as a CSV file
  8. Allow me to import a CSV file as a new or existing pie
  9. Show total earned dividends in my list of holdings.
  10. Allow me to "pause" or set a current company to 0% in my pie.
  11. Allow me to have multiple watch lists that I can name, or at least divide them by market sector
  12. Allow me to see the past five years of a pie performance as I update each percent. I'm often saving, switching back, edit, save, view, edit, save, view... it takes a long time since it keeps re-adjusting the next days buy orders. Maybe add a feature that saves a draft vs saving the actual pie.
  13. Allow me to copy an existing pie.
  14. Allow me to copy and/or cut slices between pies.
  15. When clicking a company in the holdings page, show the total earned dividends for the position.
  16. When clicking a company in the holdings page, make it a bit more obvious that clicking the company again will actually take you to the companies individual stock page.
  17. Show a list of similar companies when viewing a company.
  18. Allow me to drag the edges of a slice to update percentages between the two slices as I drag my mouse.
  19. Allow me to redistribute slices based on the current holdings market values.
  20. Show me when a holding qualifies as being long, or the number of days until it qualifies.
  21. Allow me to move, or drag and drop companies between pies
  22. Allow me to see a companies target percentage in the portfolios holdings page. ie a sock two levels deep taking 50% of the pie, may actually have a target of 25% in the portfolio overall.
  23. Allow me to target tenths of a percent. ie 33.3 and 66.7.
  24. When showing a list of company buys for the next day, show them under each pie name that they belong to, along with the estimated sum of total cash being applied up to that pie
  25. Allow me to add a dollar amount as a minimum cash amount to always have in the account. Ie - I want to always have at least $100 cash, so any time my account goes over $110, only the difference ($10) is invested. This could be done by adding a slice for "CASH" and letting me have a percentage, but it wouldn't allow me to specify an exact dollar amount...
  26. Allow me to add a slice for Taxes, as an option to represent cash saved for taxes based on capital gains and dividends. Although the problem occurs where we are in percentages again and the value may be different based on external income.
  27. Provide an option to see estimated dividend, qualified dividend, and reit taxes. I'd like to see the impact that dividends will have by the end of the year. Give me an extra field that I can choose between the rates to apply to reits based on my own taxible income outside of the system without having to explicitly specify what it is, so the calculation can be a bit more accurate.
  28. Show me the estimated consequences in taxes if I choose to sell off stocks, with the option to save that money on the side in a cash account with interest.
  29. Allow me to move a stock into a pie that does not accept new cash - ie, I want to hold the stock, but no longer want to see it in my main portfolio. Perhaps show that pie as a dot in the upper right corner of the main portfolio image, or just create a separate portfolio that does not accept new cash.
  30. Show a marker indicating that a stock is a REIT
  31. Show a marker indicating that a stock is an ETF
  32. Show a marker indicating that a holding is S&P 500
  33. Show a marker indicating that a holding is a dividend aristocrat
  34. Show a marker indicating that a stock is from different country and may have different tax effects - and for know effects, explain what they are (ie - Canada takes taxes as dividend is paid out)
  35. Show on activity page for negative dividends, a little more clarity (ie foreign tax)
  36. Show me a warning regarding companies known to have illegal activity on a federal level (cannabis). (I need to avoid and report if I have these holdings)
  37. Allow me to assign custom colors to pie icons.
  38. Allow me to assign custom colors to my slices.
  39. Allow me to choose from a preset list of icons for my slices. ie - I'd like to see a gas station icon that I can assign to energy. Maybe a factory for industrials, etc. Maybe let me choose one of the slices company icons, so coca cola, or the company with the largest market value can be my icon of choice.
  40. Once the portfolio starts rolling in a lot of dividends, provide an option to pay out a percentage of dividends to a bank account once a month, week, two weeks, etc. I'd like the option to eventually have 2-3% of my dividends paid out in retirement. This could also be setup as ensuring the "spend" account always has a minimum value, and the dividends will always have a certain percentage applied to it as long as the balance is below a specified amount. ie - I'd like to always have $5000 available in my spend account. If it is $4000, a dividend payment of $1200 would send $1000 to the account, and reinvest the remaining $200.
  41. Give an option to split off funds to save for taxes in large portfolios - ie If i'm getting $20,000 in dividends alone per year, I'd like to see my account save some of those dividends as easily liquidable cash in an area collecting interest throughout the year before tax season comes - like an escrow account for home insurance and taxes.
  42. Allow to give an alert when a dividend yield for a specific or all holdings goes above or below a target percentage. (I have a different preference for Real Estate yields)
  43. Allow me to create a separate portfolio so I can assign a different fixed amount of cash for it. ie - i'd like $50 going to a dividend growth portfolio, and $50 to a capital growth portfolio. This is better than two pies because one portfolios value jumping way ahead in value still allows that portfolio to gain additional funds.
  44. When listing holdings, show what pies they are located within as links to the paths of those pies.
  45. Give more than five years of market history. I'd like to see how stocks performed during 2000 dot com bubble burst, and the 2008/2009 housing/financial crisis.
  46. I'm often jumping back and forth between M1 and Seeking Alpha for lots of dividend information. Add some similar features...
  47. Allow me to prioritize which number i'm more interested with - market value or dividend value. market value is just noise and speculation of value.
  48. Have option to show major news events on the graph of a companies stock prices
  49. Have option to show SEC filings on the graph of a companies stock prices
  50. Highlight in red or something within portfolio, holdings list, and company page when a company is in a non-compliance state, and/or is in bankruptcy proceedings with a Q suffix.
  51. Stop logging me out and starting all over when I try to create an "spend" account on the iOS app. There is a list of maybe 15 documents I need to read through. It launches a web page, but when I go back, I have to start the application process all over again to see the next document. It was ridiculously difficult. Maybe give me the option to email me the list so I can look at each one before having to log in again, or at least save a "draft" of my process and come back to the list after authenticating.
  52. If I set a slice to 0% and try to click the save button, I get the warning... but when I hover my mouse over the exit button afterwards, my mouse icon turns into a "this doesn't work" sign that indicates that I'm not allowed to click exit. However, I am still able to click it and exit.
2/25/2020 And more...

  1. Dividends... add more features related to dividend investment. Many of us create our own spreadsheets to graph our progress.
  2. Let me make a deposit once a week, but let me choose a dollapercent amount to apply to my portfolio on each business day for optimal dollar cost averaging. ie - deposit $500, apply on $100 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. I don't want to have to keep logging in every day manually to make another manual deposit. I'd rather just see a withdraw once every two weeks and see it feed the portfolio over the next 10 business days. I would probably opt for the M1+ if it could be fed into both the morning and afternoon markets as well.
  3. Biweekly is vague. Be clear about what biweekly means. I had to create two separate weekly deposits to deposit twice a week.
  4. Show upcoming trades for scheduled withdrawals the next business day (or even after 12am for that matter)
  5. Let me see a calendar if icons indicating upcoming or past events that I can filter by type and/or holding - SEC Filings, Earnings Calls, Ex-dividend, etc.
  6. On research tab, show a separate list of portfolios/accounts first so I don't need to scroll down and find the main accounts I work with.
  7. Let me see if my holdings are short or long.
  8. Let me see if my dividends are qualified.
  9. Show an aggregate news feed related to a pies holdings.
  10. Some companies have five years of trade history. If they are the only ones in a Pie, the 5 year history shows up just fine. But when they are paired with other companies, the 5 year graph only goes back a few years. See HVNP, OPGN, NTN, TCCO, etc. I mainly paired with Apple to verify these companies were the problem.
  11. Unable to equalize holdings on a pie with just one holding. I'd rather click with the mouse rather than type in 100.
  12. Let me mass delete Pies in research
  13. Show an unused pie is part of another pie in the research pie list.
  14. Let me group pies, or at least show an indented list of pies underneath of a pie in the research pie list.
  15. Let me replace a slice of pie with another pie/stock, keeping the same distribution percent as the original pie
  16. Let me edit dollar amount of deposit on weekends of pending transfers or during non-business hours.
  17. When hovering the mouse over a long stock name that has been truncated with ellipses, show a tool tip containing the full name
  18. On iOS, let me adjust percent of pie by 1% increments when clicking up/down arrows, rather than having to type in the exact percent I want.
  19. Highlight recessions/corrections in market on the market price graph.
  20. Let me see my portfolios gain/loss compared to S&P 500
  21. Let me see more than 5 years. I want to see how stock did in financial crises/housing bubble, and if they still paid dividends.
  22. When paging through stock research, If i'm on page 2 and click to view a company, and then go back, the list of stocks returns to page 1. Stop doing that...
  23. While viewing list of stocks and paging through results, tell server I'm still active, or at least give me a message that I'm about to be logged out.
  24. I keep making the mistake of clicking on a company page and clicking the bottom button to add selected companies in basket to my pie. However, the current company being viewed wasn't added. Give me a prompt notifying me if the company isn't in the basket confirming my action.
  25. Show graphs next to slices list for day/week/month
  26. Highlight companies that don't have enough history to show on the market graph.
  27. Let me replace an existing pie slice with its contents.
  28. Let me split a pies slices into a separate pie, and replace them with the new pie.
  29. Market status. Give me a little status indicating if we are in a beabull market, and for how long (years, months, days), and current type - dip/correction/recession
  30. Show separate value for how much dividends a slice has earned.
  31. iOS - stop hanging. Every time I make a change to a pie, it says "Saving..." forever. I keep having to close the app and start it back up again to see my changes. I've grown accustomed to just quitting immediately when I see "Saving..." as a workaround.
2/5/2021 (Request 504282)
Please add a feature to automate portfolio rebalancing based on time (yearly/quarterly/monthly/biweekly), target offset of an asset (+/- 10%), or both.
submitted by Gooblector to M1Finance [link] [comments]

[Serial][UWDFF Alcubierre] Part 74

Beginning | Previous
Joan Orléans fingers drummed on the chair of the Admiral's Bridge on the UWDFF Sun Tzu as she scanned the updates on the various tasks relating to the defense of the solar system. This was a task she spent most of her waking hours on. Reviewing. Reconsidering. Revising. It was also familiar territory for her in general. Something of a time honored task at this point. She had been in this seat much the same as this one looking at these panels similar to these and wondering how best to protect Humanity in the last war as well. Of course, the Automics had been simple by comparison. Against the Automics, the enemy was something they had built, and its needs and desires were easy to understand. It wanted what Humanity had, and it intended to use Humanity against itself. It had infested Humanity's most populated places, growing and metastasizing like a malignant cancer. Extracting the tumor had been difficult, and the corpus of Humanity paid a dear price, but it was a known problem with a known solution.
Now, she had very little concept of what they faced and what their prospects might be. Their history with the Combine was brief, and what insights that might have been gleaned in that encounter were difficult to extrapolate to the present circumstances. She knew that their prior success could not be viewed as an indicator of the likelihood of future success. The Combine had been largely caught off guard in Halcyon, and they had managed to make the most of the situation. Despite their losses, the First Armada had secured the objective, gained valuable assets and struck an apparently grievous blow against the Combine's capitol. It would be quite fortunate if the Combine, determined it was not worth pursuing the matter after such a bruising encounter. But Joan knew better than to believe that would be the end it.
They would come. How could they not?
She would come if she were them, and she would come with all of the fury and violence she could muster.
There was nothing to do but prepare. Properly prepared, perhaps Humanity would have options once the nature of the foe was revealed. Of course, those options were probably severely limited by Ambassador Mandela and Secretary General Venruss' decision to let the XiZ Collective off of their short leash. Now, all of her plans needed to contemplate the possibility that a unique and valuable asset may be unreliable, which considerably constrained operations. There was little to be done about it now, the XiZ had secured a spaceborn cold fusion generator for their exclusive use while they remained in Sol. The Collective could utilize that power to leave whenever they saw fit, and all Humanity would have to stop them was the hope the XiZ would show them more kindness than the rest of the galaxy had.
Joan's nose twitched and the pace of her drumming increased.
Nothing to be done about it. Take the situation as it was, not as you wished it to be.
Status reports.
She swiped up her non-drumming hand in a few gestures, re-ordering the panels and assigning them a prioritization for review and access. She then began to review the panels in order of descending importance.
First and foremost was the defense of Earth. A planet was likely the least defensible object in the history of military warfare. Everything about its structure -- its size, its shape, its stationary nature, its distribution of assets -- made it nearly impossible to protect everything of consequence. An enemy could strike from a single direction whereas they were required to defend an attack from any direction. Reinforcements would be difficult since burns could not be conducted in a straight line. Logistics were a nightmare in general. Even if they recalled the entirety of the United World Defense Force Fleet, there would still be holes.
Matters were further complicated by the fact that Joan could also make few assumptions about the intent of the enemy. At least the Automics sought control over the Earth and its assets. There was every reason to believe that, having a galaxy at its disposal, the Combine would be content to eliminate the Earth rather than fight over it. This raised the possibility of attacks that might focus on an immediate obliteration as opposed to the wars of attrition Humanity had grown used to.
Joan had no sense of what such an attack might look like or what defensive options would be available to them.
The best she had been able to manage was to recall a portion of the Second and Third Armadas to Earth, reducing the protection the outer settlements would have if they are attacked. Even then, there were not sufficient ships to create anything other than a patchwork of floating garrisons above key resources and cities while still trying to retain a line-of-sight between major command groups. With this disposition, that multiple command groups could fire their mass drivers in conjunction with one another in an overlapping field of fire if the invading source was sufficiently far away. In some cases, planetary defenses were of use, particularly the orbital launchers, but those had been developed for asteroids and space junk in mind rather than full scale assault by alien species. They had been bulked up after the Automic War, but coverage was spotty. She understood the lack of fixed defenses, it was simply too expensive to try and encircle an entire planet, particularly when available resources in the post war period needed to be funneled into stabilizing Humanity itself. She had been part of that decision and, given what was known at the time, still believed it to be the correct one.
Of course, if they had known there was an enormous, hostile civilization on their doorstep, they might have re-prioritized, but Joan continued to think the task of defending a planet was inconceivably difficult regardless of circumstance. Far better to build redundancy. So long as Humanity was tied to a single place, it always risked being forced into precisely this corner. Damian's decision to reactivate the Exodus program was a good one, even if it was too little, too late.
Joan sighed.
"Never easy," she said aloud to the emptiness of the Admiral's Bridge. She swiped a hand in irritation, pulling up the detailed view of the next panel, which provided an analysis of Humanity's solar system telemetry. Any number of measurements were collected, collated and presented in the panel, but Joan was primarily concerned with the set of readouts that were relevant to the detection of wormholes. The science was complicated, but a combination of instruments that detected shifts in gravity, light, and a few other currently monitored datapoints had been deployed to provide an observation network throughout the solar system, with particular emphasis on Earth. If a ship was sent through a wormhole, Humanity would know at the speed of light, which Joan fervently hoped was sufficient.
Despite the passage of almost three weeks since Halcyon, there had been no indications of a wormhole being created within Sol. Joan had questioned Kai on the matter, and he had offered a number of potential explanations ranging from a lack of vessels with an appropriate key, to the time required to muster Combine resources, to the complete and total destruction of the Combine by the artificient. This had preceded a rather tense exchange surrounding the departure timeline to visit this Cerebella, after which conversation became untenable.
Seeing nothing amiss in the readout, she pinched and then swiped a few times, bringing up a panel outside of her prioritized list. It depected Kai Levinson's medical charts and images of his brainwaves over time. Cerebral activity was elevated and continued to increase. His thought schematics continued to alter as well. Dr. Lai believed that Kai was in control of his body and his thoughts, but thought it possible that the line between him and his counterpart, the Evangi Neeria, was becoming increasingly blurred.
Kai Levinson remained in control, but he may not remain Kai Levinson.
Joan did not know what to make of that beyond a continued resolution to treat all words out of Kai's mouth as having potentially put there by another. He was a potential resource for gathering information, but Joan also questioned whether any of the information could be trusted. Still, regardless of what he said, it would provide a record of interaction that could be cross-examined at a later date to determine the extent to which he was reliable.
She minimized the medical data panel and pulled open the next on her list. It depicted the progress of the Exodus mission. The first wave of vessels had been loaded with a hastily assembled list of Humanity's best and brightest and then jammed full of everything they could fit in that might help with a colonization effort.
Terraformers. Seed stocks. Vehicles. Self-assembled Habitations. So on and so forth.
Joan glanced at the launch timelines and manifest details.
Exodus Wave One
UWEM Horizon
UWEM Fortune
UWEM Destiny
UWEM Outta Here
UWEM Potential
Joan snorted at the Outta Here, which had been named by a poll and Damian had elected to keep because he found it amusing. Despite the redacted details, Joan knew all six ships would be departing for separate locations to increase Humanity's odds. Each of the locations had been selected based upon data available in the Combine Archives from the XiZ, who would be providing the wormholes to reach to locations. The locations had been chosen based on their distance from Combine settlements and the likelihood of compatibility with Humanity. All would be in within Combine space as the contents and nature of the other Restricted Zones were not available. Many would not be in close proximity to each other, meaning that they would be cut off in the event Humanity lost access to wormholes.
Each of the ships could hold almost ten thousand people. She wondered briefly whether they would be filled to maximum capacity and under what framework that composition was selected. All of those logistics had been left to the United World rather than the military, though the UWDF would be providing supporting personnel to the Exodus Mission vessels.
Their launches were coordinated to provide the XiZ enough time to recharge worm projector and re-target the wormholes. The XiZ said they would require less time than that, but, out of abundance of caution, they staggered them. Each would make their way from their holding ports in Earth's inner orbit and toward the wormhole staging ground a short distance away. From launch, each vessel was expected to reach its destination planet within a few hours.
Despite having traveled through a wormhole herself, it was still fantastical to contemplate. Even the Alcubierre had been something that had felt almost magical. There were few things that could inspire Joan to daydream, but the possibility that Humanity would no longer be tethered to the Earth, that survival would not longer hang upon protecting the indefensible, was one of them.
She raised her hand to swipe away the readout when an alert blared and the panels were shoved to the side to display a new readout.
Alert Trigger: Potential Wormhole
She immediately swung into action, raising her hands and beginning to swipe when a second panel appeared beside the first read out.
Alert Trigger: Potential Wormhole #2
Joan pointed to the first panel and then swiped down to up, expanding the associated data. The wormhole had appeared--
Alert Trigger: Potential Wormhole #3
Alert Trigger: Potential Wormhole #4
The panels kept populating, creating a running list. Joan snarled and swept her arms wide, her hands bracketing the four triggered alarm panels and then compacting them downward, placing them into a signal frame of data. She then swiped her hand left to right until she could see the location readout.
The first two wormholes had appeared almost on top of one another, both a few light seconds away from Earth. The second two were similarly clustered, but were positioned closer to the moon. For both pairs of wormholes, a line drawn between them would be perpendicular to the Earth, meaning that it had a line-of-sight that was not obstructed by either of the wormholes. In the case of the second pairing, there was also an unobstructed view of the moon as well.
She delved into the data further, wondering whether they had already lost the war before it had begun. There did not appear to be any indications of an energy discharge, Earth would already be reporting if it had--
Her eyes widened. "Mass?"
She exhaled. Telemetry did not read any inbound matter of concern. It had picked up, very briefly, an object traveling at a high rate of speed between the wormholes. The granularity of the data was not particular high on the object. It had a roughly cubic shape with size roughly akin to a UWD supply ship.
Not the full scale assault then. Or, if it was, it did not take the expected form. There was very little she could parse from a roughly cubic shape existing in their solar system in two locations for a few seconds before disappearing. Unfortunately, the only source likely to helpful on the matter was questionable.
"Comm link, Admiral Kai Levinson. Command Priority," Joan said, her hands flipping through the data and parsing as much as she could. The delay between the Earth and Moon incursions had been offset, it was not just an artifact of the speed of light that she had received them separately. The third wormhole appeared approximately ten seconds after the second had disappeared. The time within the pairs were both the same at slightly under three seconds.
Kai appeared on the vidlink beside the alarm triggers, his face serene despite the thin visor encircling his head and passing over his eyes. "Fleet Admiral, how can I be of service?"
Joan took a brief moment to calculate what to reveal and how to reveal it. If there was an opportunity to get an assessment of Kai, this might be it, though she had precious little to base any judgments on. "Wormholes have just appeared."
Kai flinched at the announcement. "They're here."
"They've already left."
"That was fast," Kai said, his head tilting to the side as if listening. "Scouting?"
"That was my first thought."
"What was sent through?" Kai asked.
"We have very little data. No energy discharge. No mass fired."
"Joan, I need you to tell me what was sent through. Any data you have. I cannot help if I am blind." He waved a hand toward the visor on his face, "Bad choice of words. You get what I mean."
"What are you looking for?" Joan said.
He shrugged, "Something that can help. As I told you already, I have no idea what state the Combine is in. It is equally likely that this is the first effort of the artificient. I cannot say which is which without more information, and even then I may not be helpful."
Joan raised a hand and jabbed it in the air, sending the Alert Trigger reports to Kai. She then leaned forward, her eyes pinned to Kai as he read the outputs. Almost immediately after beginning, he looked like he had been punched.
"How precise are these measurements?" He whispered, gulping repeatedly and shaking his head.
"They're a rough approximation. The instrumentation isn't refined enough for anything other than a size and a general shape, but those two are accurate."
"Cube," Kai whispered. "That's not possible."
Kai was either an extraordinary actor, or the information was deeply disturbing. For all of Joan's reservations, she leaning toward the latter. "What is not possible?" Joan raised a hand and swiped a few times, pulling up the readout of Kai's medical status. Heart rate elevated. Cerebral cortex on fire. He appeared to be under extreme duress.
He turned his head to the side again, a grimace on his face. "Well then tell me then. She needs to know what you know." He shook his head, "What are the Sclinter Amalga?" Kai's lips withdrew, his teeth baring, "Stop playing fucking games. Out with it."
Kai's brain scan flared, indicating a significant increase in synaptic activity well beyond typical Human utilization. After a moment it subsided and the blood drained from Kai's face. "Joan...we are in trouble. The...they aren't supposed to be here. They don't have a key. No one ever gave them a key. Not to here."
Joan tried to unravel the dribble, but was having difficulties. Kai appeared to be laboring considerably, as if undergoing a significant internal struggle, and she was no longer certain who was talking when he was speaking. What she did know, was that she had more questions than answers. Answers that she needed, now. "Who is not supposed to be here?"
"Go on, tell her." Kai said. A moment later, he straightened, a detached look coming onto his face. His heart rate normalized and the brain waves shifted. When Kai spoke, it was in a duller monotone. "Admiral, there is a species that makes use of vessels that fit the description provided by the data you have sent over. This species is known as the Sclinter Amalga. They are an external resource the Combine utilizes to exterminate species that are deemed to be a threat to organic life."
"I see. You outsource your genocide?" Joan asked.
Kai inclined his head, apparently unconcerned by the characterization. "It was more efficient. The Sclinter Amalga inhabit Pelageo, a cluster of systems that produced a remarkably high density of sentient life. Pelageo is located close to the galactic core and so they were encountered soon after the Evangi were tasked with establishing the Combine. The Evangi are not a militaristic species. We are administrators. The Sclinter Amalga are multiple militaristic species, all shaped by competition within Pelageo. They were very powerful."
"And?" Joan said, knowing the background might be relevant, but deeply aware of their very limited time.
"They were deemed unsuitable for inclusion in the Combine, but the Evangi were incapable of dislodging such a collection of species, particularly once they entered into an armistice with one another upon our appearance. The option of isolating them was considered, but this particular issue was likely to reoccur as the Combine was built. Many species would not be suitable for inclusion. Even if isolated, they could pose a risk to organic life, as Humanity has so amply demonstrated." Kai took a breath and then plunged onward, his reference to Humanity seeming to refer to some group he was not a part of. "A solution was devised: we would reach an agreement with the Sclinter Amalga. They would provide us with a necessary, distracting service we did not wish to perform, the removal of threats to organic life, and we would provide them with limited exceptions to isolation in the form of wormkeys to specific locations for specific vessels."
Joan processed this information as it was handed to her, "And these...Sclintern are now here to perform that same service?"
"It should not be possible. No Amalgan vessel was ever provided with a wormkey to a Divinity Angelysian Restricted Zone. No Amalgan vessel was ever provided with a wormkey for anything other than a specific place for a specific purpose."
"We traveled to here just fine, we did not possess any keyed vessels," Joan said.
"We had the use of a..." Kai's voice drifted off.
"Neeria?" Joan asked.
Kai looked startled. "The Amalgans are fastidious about their engagements with the Combine. A highly improbable chain of events would need to occur for them to gain access to a worm projector. More importantly, such an occurrence would be of horrendous consequence."
"A secondary consideration in using the Amalgans for Cleanse Contracts was that possibility that they would become weakened over time, reducing them as a potential threat. Even if we had entered into an agreement with them, they were still unsuitable for existence by the parameters we judge species on. Eventually, there was some expectation that the Amalgans would be defeated and then could be replaced by another species, thereby starting the process anew. A component of the Cleanse Contracts was a requirement that the Amalgans pursue the targeted species with all of its power until one was extinct. It was an expedient solution." Kai took another breath. "We utilized the Amalgans often. They never failed. They only grew stronger. If they gain access to a worm projector, they are likely to be the strongest force in the Combine."
Joan folded her arms. The explanation was surreal. A galactic species had hired another galactic species as a genocidal hitman, thereby turning them into some manner of omnipowerful species that was now potentially out of control and targeting Earth. If there was a framework for defending against this, Joan would very much like to have someone explain it to her. "Why did you not just eliminate them once you grew powerful?"
"The nature of the Combine made this difficult. Member species were selected for their orientation toward certain goals the Combine possessed, most of which focused on internal stability and efficiency. Among these species, a Peacekeeping force was considered an acceptable investment for the periodic disputes that might occur. Developing a military force capable of destroying the Amalgans would be difficult to explain, particularly as the nature of the Amalgans was not widely understood and the Amalgans had always performed their duties as agreed upon."
"Well, if its the Amalgans, then it looks like they've gotten access to a worm projector. Maybe the Combine lent them one," Joan said.
"They would not accept a Cleanse Contract on that basis. They only accept durable assets, particularly ones that reduce their isolation as agreed upon."
"Fine. They have one. How do we defend against them?" Joan asked.
"You do not," Kai replied.
"Well, that's not an option. We have advantages here. They're unfamiliar with our physics. This is home territory. We have Griggs' Pulses."
"The Amalgans fight exclusively in other species' territory. They have been conducting Cleanse Contracts across thousands of species, all of whom have similar levels of technology to Humanity--"
"What are our options, Neeria? That's what I want to know."
"Flee and hope they do not find you. Allow me to seek the Cerebella and obtain what assistance I can," Kai said.
Joan flicked a hand up and opened the panel for the Exodus Mission. She had no intention of disclosing its existence to Kai. If that was the last hope for Humanity, then it needed to remain a secret.
A number of inbound messages were appearing, including from the Secretary General. There were also new Alert Triggers filtering in. Two by Mars. Joan assumed that, as the speed of light permitted, she would receive similar triggers across the solar system as the Amalgans conducted their scouting effort.
Joan looked back at Kai now, "We're not going anywhere, and neither are you. I'm not sending the only being that knows anything about these things away just when they show up." Joan raised an eyebrow, "Why don't you take a page out of the Ambassador's book and try to negotiate with them? Buy us some time?"
"Admiral, if they are here, they are done negotiating."
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Upon a Dead Horse: Chapter Three

In our last episode
Micro coil electro guns are faster and more portable than a long coil rifle, but are much harder to aim. It was this fact more than fast reflexes that was his salvation. Although the air was sizzling with flying bolts and his hair stood on end as the ion tracer beams tried to find him he was still able to dive to ground and do a fast crawl towards the first large bit of protection he could find without being hit. Unfortunately the only shield he spotted was that same wagon he had only recently escaped. Meanwhile the dry goods store behind him suffered an onslaught of blue and yellow bolts of light splintering the exterior wall.
He squeezed himself into a tight ball near the rear axle and checked the charge on his rifle. The low battery light was on. Unless he could find a power supply soon he had maybe one or two full power shots left. Technically speaking the stock had a solar panel and the gun would recharge on its own, but he suspected no one was going to allow him an eight or nine day intermission to do that.
He was too exposed where he was but he couldn't really run anywhere while all those electro bolts were hammering the wagon behind him. At any moment it would occur to the angry mob that they could spread out to encircle the wagon and come at him from the sides while he was still pinned down. Worse, even if they didn't think of it, the wagon could only take so much abuse. So far only a handful of bolts had managed to punch all the way through the wagon. That wouldn't last. He was still considering his options when the situation went from bad to completely catastrophic.
"Well, well, well," a voice called out over the gun fire. Suddenly all the guns stopped firing in unison. That was almost worse than having them all shooting at him. Having them taper off or a few stragglers who were late to notice the new arrival would mean that the people were acting as individuals. A simultaneous shutdown like that, more orderly even than most military units could manage, meant only one thing. As if to confirm his suspicions, the voice continued.
"If it isn't the Oligarch's favorite dog," the voice called out, "Marshal Aldo Crease."
The marshal winced. It had been years since anyone had spoken that name. He still found the sound of it left a sour taste in his mouth.
"Evening Kincaid," Mashal Crease called back, "Any chance you'll consider coming along peacefully?"
Kincaid laughed.
"Oh please," Kincaid said, "Do at least do me the great favor of standing up. I want to show you off to my flock."
Crease ground his teeth and considered his options. He could, he supposed, pop up with the rifle and try firing at Kincaid. But, he needed a better idea where the man was to do that. He did not have enough power left in the gun for a wide spread lethal blast. He might be able to pull off a knockout. Barely. But even then that was iffy because with Kincaid hopped up on his own juice like he was he might not go down.
"If you are considering shooting me," Kincaid said with a voice that projected both confidence and mockery at the same time, "You may want to look to your right."
Crease glanced that direction and grimaced. The giantess had appeared again and was now stomping in his direction. He spun the rifle in her direction and, to his immense relief, she stopped in her tracks. Unfortunately, that also meant Kincaid could tell where Crease was aiming.
"Gun moves off her," Kincaid explained, "And Viana there tears you apart. Shoot her and we open fire as she heals. So you can shoot me or shoot her. But not both at once and Viana and I will get right back up no matter which one you choose . So do as I told you and stand up!"
Crease sighed and slowly climbed to his feet while training his rifle on Viana the whole time. He tried to remember why that name sounded familiar. Wasn't that the woman Yacob had said was a deserter who had battle tech? No wonder she hit so hard. If her gear was military grade it may even be a higher spec than his own. He made certain to keep his eyes on her as he shot a glance in Kincaid's direction.
The crowd stood motionless and facing him. Over half the people seemed to be armed with some sort of weapon. Mostly micro coil pistols but he thought he saw a few short barrelled scatterguns and at least one heavy coil military grade rifle that would make short work of the building behind him much less the contents of his skull. The crowd was composed of both men and women of various ages. Old men with long beards and frock coats and young women wearing a sheer garment that left almost nothing to the imagination. There were even a few teenagers in the mix. Those that were not armed with firearms carried knives or homemade cudgels. All of them also carried the same identical blank expression on their faces. Only the man standing in the back wearing white robes showed any signs of animation. He was also completely unarmed. Not that he needed a direct weapon.
"Kincaid," Crease acknowledged the man.
Kincaid's grin broadened and took on an eerie maddened look. The man's hair was wild and unkempt and the bags under his eyes were a testament to the exhaustion he must feel. Even though health and vigor seemed to ooze from the man's pores, there was also a slightly frayed look about him. As if his health were just a mast for something shredding him apart from within.
"The feedback loop is too far gone," he heard the Oligarch's voice say in his ear, "If he stops now the blowback will shred him to pieces."
Crease didn't answer. He hadn't needed the analysis. He too knew the signs of an arcane who had pushed their talent - no matter how potent - beyond the abilities of sustaining. The man in front of him was a runaway reactor spewing health into the area. It would almost be comical if the effects weren't so tragic. His own acarnic talents, though greatly suppressed, were telling him something that he was certain no one else - save perhaps Kincaid himself - even suspected. Over half the crowd of people in front of him were already dead. Their bodies just hadn't got the notice yet.
The reasons didn't matter. A heart that had been sent racing only to burst. A pancreas overproducing insulin. Blood cells produced in such numbers that the blood inside was a thick syrup that barely flowed. Too much vitality was killing these people and it was only Kincaid's out of control talent that was keeping them upright and walking as is.
"You've got to stop this, Kincaid," Crease said, "You don't know what you're doing. You have to stop it. It's destroying you and everyone around you."
He knew his warning would be unheeded. He expected to be ignored. Truth be told, he wasn't sure there was a safe for Kincaid to stop without killing himself and half the town. The crops were already beyond saving. The delicate balance between life and death had been shoved too far to one side and he already knew first hand how unrecoverable such acts could be.
Kincaid tilted his head to one side and frowned.
"Why can't I feel you?" he asked. Belatedly, Crease became aware of a faint tingling sensation along his skin. Kincaid must be trying to influence him.
"I'm immune to arcana," Crease said simply.
"So it is true," Kincaid asked, smile returning, "The great and mighty Aldo Crease. Once a general in the Patagonia Resistance and now little more than a dog for the Oligarch itself. I knew about your resurrection, of course. But I thought the rumors of your unbalanced arcana were just that. Rumors."
Crease winced. He liked having the details of his unfortunate past being revealed even less than having his name spoken aloud. Apparently Kincaid hadn't just fled the Citadel empty handed. He must have taken some intelligence files with him. Which meant the man wasn't just AWOL. He was rebelling. Oh no. No no no.
"Kincaid," Crease asked slowly, "What is it you think you are doing?"
"Picking up where you left off, of course," Kincaid said, "Doing what you only attempted to do all those centuries before failing."
"Look," Crease said as he spread his arms wide in order to look less threatening, "You're not thinking right. Your bioware's last system flash accidentally included some very nasty software. Software your brainbox doesn't have the hardware to support."
Kincaid's smile grew impossibly wide. The corners of his mouth almost tearing the skin apart on his emaciated face.
"Accident?" Kincaid asked, "You think this was a mere accident? I had to graft the code by hand. Do you know how long it took for me to figure out how to do that? How many hours it took of digging through the Oligarch's data archives while simultaneously tripping any alarms? It took me months to even confirm that the Avatar program even existed!"
"An accident," Crease insisted, "It had to be because if you had read anything on the Avatar program details you would have known what you were doing was insane."
"Oh I read it," Kincaid insisted, "Eighteen modest talent arcana received a bioware upgrade. They jumped at least one arcana class each. A Class II pyromancer jumped to abilities above Class I. Just shy of Apex level!"
"Yes," Crease agreed, "Only to suffer a complete mental breakdown. This was despite extensive psychological testing and conditioning prior to upgrading their bioware. Blocking the physiological need for sleep, enhanced multitasking, and neural stimulation are all great but the human mind can't operate at those levels forever. That's why their upgrades included the ability to remote shutdown."
"But can you imagine the possibilities if these upgrades were applied to an Apex?" Kincaid said, "Or, better still. Don't imagine. Observe! See what I have done here!"
"This is wrong," Crease said, "You don't realize what you are doing to these people."
"But I do," he said, "There is no death here. No disease. No frailty or feebleness. Only perfection."
"Look at them," Crease said. He still held the rifle in his left arm so he waved with his right. Kincaid eyes twitched once but did not follow the gesture. It was as if he were afraid that Crease would try something if he looked away. Fair enough as Crease had been thinking of doing exactly that.
"Look at them," Crease repeated, "Everyone here. It's like they can't see or hear anything. They only move when you want them to."
"Yes," Kincaid agreed, "Perfect. You of all people should see that."
Crease lowered his arms. Kincaid didn't stop him.
"This is an army," Crease said in a hushed tone. It wasn't a question, but Kincaid nodded anyway.
"Yes," he said with a theatrical bow, "Or, rather, it will be. I'm still building it now and my soldier lack discipline as well as, ahem, sharp shooting skills. But, yes, very soon it will be an army.."
"Damn it, Kincaid."
"You should appreciate the symmetry of it," Kincaid added.
"Damn it and damn you!" Crease repeated with more venom this time, "You know how that went down! I had 5,000 undead soldiers with me! What do you expect to do with a bunch of farmers and deserters?"
"Win," he said simply, "I keep telling you. I know about you and what you did during the Luddite War. The last great battle before humans were overrun and made the . . . the pets!"
Here Kincaid practically spat the word.
"The pets!" he repeated, "The slaves of some computer. Governments caved. Countries rolled over. But not you! Oh no! Not the great and mighty Crease! The first Apex! You who could fling waves of death through the very air! You commanded a legion of the undead! You pushed back against this cybernetic monstrosity only to fall at the very doorstep of its stronghold."
"I was shot to pieces," Crease said simply, "It's kind of hard to march with no legs."
"You were already dead!" Kincaid shouted, "An unkillable zombie! You had filled your corpse with so much necromantic arcana it could not be destroyed! Your very limbs kept crawling towards your objective even after they were separated! The only way they ever stopped you was by freezing all the bits of you!"
"They didn't freeze me!" Crease shouted back, "The Oligarch's fortress is in the heart of Antarctica! What do you think happens to corpses when it's below freezing!"
Kincaid shook his head sadly.
"You still don't get it, Crease," he said in a mocking tone, "You still don't understand where you made your great mistake, do you?"
"I just told you," Crease said, "Charging across a frozen continent during the winter."
"No," Kincaid said, "Your mistake was in joining them. When you assembled your undead army you had no way of dealing with the blowback. So you thought your only hope was to use it. To channel all that recoil back into yourself and let it consume you. To become just another soldier in a sucide gambit. But, don't you see? What if you never ever stopped. Just kept feeding the power back in on itself over and over again. Sending wave after wave of the undead."
"That's not possible," Crease said with a shake of his head, "It's too much power. The human mind can't take that."
"I've been doing just that for months now!" Kincaid shouted, "Look at what I've done!"
"It's shredding you," Crease said, "Your own power is keeping you going for the moment but you can't hold it up forever. Look at your face! Your hands! You're breaking down!"
"I'm more alive than ever!"
"No!" Crease insisted, "You've got vitamancy running through you. It's not the same."
"You should know," Kincaid snapped, "How many vitamancers died to bring you back?"
Crease shook his head.
"This isn't the way," he said, "Please. I'm trying to help you."
"You? Help me? A traitor like you?" Kincaid snarled, "Just because you were too weak to bring down the machine don't presume to know me or my limits!"
Crease could see the decision forming in Kincaid's wild eyes. The strain of exertion, the lack of sleep, the madness of controlling those many minds one neuron at a time. It was too much for him and he was already past the point of no return. He was going to give the kill order and there was nothing Crease could do to stop him. So, he didn't even bother to try. Crease mentally flipped the panic switch in his brainbox.
Time slowed down. He could see Kincaid's lips moving, presumably to give the kill order, but no sound reached him other than the roar of blood in his own ears. Adrenaline and endorphins were flooding his bloodstream as well as artificial hormones manufactured by the synthgland at the base of his skull. His heart thundered in his chest while his nerve endings seemed to dance with barely suppressed energy. Ahead of him the muzzle of every gun and the tip of every improvised weapon sprouted cones of probability as his stochastic subunit filled his mind with data. His allowed his conscious mind to flit out of the driver's seat so that the preprogrammed battle reflexes could take over.
The battle processor evaluated the abundance of weaponry, the layout of the combatants, and his own weaponry and decided the best course of action was to allow his own knees to buckle. He fell to the ground before Kincaid could get the last syllable out of his mouth and the air above Crease glowed with lightning. The wagon shuddered from multiple impacts. But the battle programming was not done. His hands twisted the barrel of the rifle even as he was falling so that when he landed on the ground on his side the rifle was pointed under the wagon and towards the crowd opposite him. His fingers found the trigger almost immediately and he fired a wide focused beam at the legs of the people opposite him. He barely registered the howling of pain as people dropped. He rolled onto his back in one smooth movement and turned to face the towering figure of Viana running directly at him.
The gun was now depleted. It was useful only as a club. If the person racing towards him was a normal human his enhanced speed, strength, and durability might give him an edge even while laying on the ground. But Viana was enhanced as well. Probably more so than he was. She also had about double his muscle mass on top of that. He needed a distraction if he had any hope of taking her out. His battle mode was evaluating possibilities and coming up dry. He didn't see a way of escaping that gave him a better than a nine percent chance of success. Fortunately, having the battle processor do the movements for him gave him a chance to think and perhaps alter the odds on the fly. Which is what he was doing in this case. Unfortunately, the only thing that occurred to him was a party trick he learned in his pre-Luddite War days. It was a cheap shot, but it was also the best idea he could come up with at the moment.
Saying there was no death in the valley was, of course, an exaggeration. Death on macroscale could be interrupted but even a powerful vitamancer like Kincaid couldn't halt it entirely. Nor should he. Cells dying and replacing themselves are part of the natural life cycle of living organisms and interrupting this process would also halt the body's ability to grow and repair itself. Which is why even in a place oversaturated with vitamantic energy there was still some degree of dying and regeneration taking place. For an ordinary necromancer such trivialities were simple nitpicking. They only had the ability to affect the dead on a macro scale. Crease was no ordinary necromancer.
Though his power was greatly reduced on account of the vitamancy used in his own resurrection, his skillset still remained. With great effort he could still feel the dead and dying cells within a body and, to some extent, influence them. In the field he could use this ability to aid living soldiers by slowing the process of necrosis in infected wounds and other low level healing abilities. But one other trick he learned was that if he focused on the person's hair he could influence the cells there. After all, what is hair but a chain of dead cells clinging to a still living root? So, with great effort on his part, he tapped into that ability now and reached outwards with his gift to Viana's head. Mentally straining, he tapped millions of dead cells to alter themselves ever so slightly.
The giantess was almost on top of him when he made the last connection and the cells in her hair let go in unison. The black hair that had been piled up upon her head fell off as if cleaved by an invisible sword. The rage that twisted the woman's face gave way to confusion as her own hair fell before her eyes and momentarily blinded her. Then, without thinking, she made the worst possible decision she could in such circumstances. Forgetting entirely about Crease, she reached up with both hands and gripped the top of her own head to see if the falling hair really were her own. The stochastic processor in Crease's own head took note of the change in posture and calculated the most appropriate response. So he was only slightly more prepared than Viana when the arc of the rifle's swing intersected with the side of her knee.
Viana dropped to the ground howling in pain. Enhanced durability and vitamancy were great, but even they occasionally had to take a back seat to pure physics. He had hit the side of her knee with every bit of speed and strength his own enhancements could afford him. The bones in the leg were unbreakable but even with battle tech a knee is still mostly supported by soft tissue. The tissue could be reinforced with synthetic fibers, but a certain degree of stretching had to be allowed in order to keep the knee functioning as a knee. A powerful blow to the side of a battle hardened knee could still knock the joint out of alignment and then gravity would do the rest. As Viana fell her own weight would tear many of the organic connections that were still present even though the synthetics would largely hold. Knees have a lot of nerves running through them and even minor injuries can be incredibly distracting to even the toughest soldiers. This was not a minor injury and it would take Viana's brainbox several seconds to adjust to the input flooding the gateway. Which is why Crease's own brainbox decided the best way to deal with this was to reorient the rifle into an overhead swing that terminated on the side of Viana's skull before she even hit the ground.
The blow should have killed her. Anywhere else, it may have. Even with a reinforced skull the brain cannot be rattled around like that without consequences. But here all it seemed to buy him was a few moments of unconsciousness as her brain healed itself. He crawled over to her unconscious form and briefly searched her pockets for any hint of a weapon he could use.
"Crease!" Kincaid called out, somehow cutting through the fog in his head, "Did you forget the horse?"
The horse? What was he talking about?
As in answer the horse started neighing and pawing at the ground frantically. Its nostrils flared as it snorted and tossed its head from side to side. Belatedly, he realized exactly what Kincaid was doing. The same thing Crease's own bioware had done to him. The same thing as was likely occurring within the bodies of the crowd of angry gunmen. The creature's rage was being stoked. It had barely flinched from the gunfire but now it was lashing out against, well, nothing. All Kincaid had to do was wait for it to notice Crease and then send the creature's rage skyrocketing. Suddenly the scant cover offered by the cart seemed to go from "flimsy" to "nonexistent" in the blink of an eye. Crease was unsure what his next move should be. Fortunately, his battle reflexes had an idea. Not a good one but an idea.
Crease's legs slammed into the ground beneath him. He found himself hurtling upwards and over the top of the cart while flattening himself. It seemed to be a sloppy jump as he was even now falling back onto the tarp covering the back of the cart. He couldn't help but notice that he was now presenting a rather hard to miss target and, sure enough, his left side exploded in agony as some of the lightning bolts struck home. But his battle reflexes were still moving.
His body cleared the edge of the cart and was threatening to crash into the dividing wall separating the front from the back of the car. Just before his head could hit the wall, his still functioning right hand punched at the wood. The blow was done with little regards to his comfort, it seems, as a shock of fresh agony traveled up his fist and along the wrist towards his elbow. His falling body landed atop the tarp causing it to tangle up with him as he landed in a belly flop inside the tail of the cart. The wall closest to the gunmen was still exploding to pieces and it took him a few precious - not to mention painful - seconds to extricate himself. What had that all been about? He glanced up at the damage done to the wall ahead of him and found his view of the outside world blocked by a rather familiar looking rust stained bit of cloth. Scrambling forward, he used his blooded hands to tear the hole he had created wider until he could reach the bundle of his own coat that had been stored under the seat on the opposite side of the wall.
"Hold your fire!" Kincaid shouted and, as before, all the townspeople's guns were silenced at once. Nothing seemed to happen for a long moment and no movement could be seen coming from the cart.
"What's the matter, Crease?" Kincaid shouted into the echoing silence, "Did that healing arcana that's filling you finally run out?"
In answer, Crease's upper body appeared over the sidewall as he sat up and faced Kincaid and the angry mob. Crease was now sporting his duster once more and in his hands he held two pistols.
"Fu-!" is as far as Kincaid got before lightning erupted from Crease's pistols.
The twin shots struck the heads of two people in the crowd. Instead of dropping, those people twisted to the side and fired their own guns at someone else. By that time the people Crease had originally shot were starting to recover but now two more gunmen were shooting. As Crease leaped from the cart, guns firing continuously, Kincaid started screaming.
Unlike Crease, Kincaid had never been a soldier. He had no experience with the chaos and confusion of battle. So it was that he was completely unprepared for his own side to start firing upon itself in apparent retaliation to the necromancer's influence.
People who had previously been responding well to his own influence were now turning upon one another and firing. Not just at the commandeered corpses Crease was piloting but upon anyone they even suspected was shooting at them. As Crease ran at an angle, firing the entire time, he jumped from body to body and caused the town folks to fire at their neighbors. Soon old passions and grudges were influencing decision making as much as anything else. Lightning bolts flared and Kincaid struggled to get a calming influence to settle over the crowd as they reacted to both the very real danger around them and the imaginary one he had been feeding them just moments ago.
Crease twisted and dodged as he ran. His coat flared as it caught stray lightning bolts. The metallic weaving offered some protection, but not much. Crease felt his limbs grow heavy and then numb as the corona of multiple blasts washed over him. He kept moving.
One battery was spent. He ejected it and slammed to pistol's butt against the quickloader belt he had strapped to his waist. Firing with a fresh battery with his right hand he repeated the process with his off hand to continue the onslaught upon the crowd. Trying to find an opening to target Kincaid. All the while his mind was busy flickering among recently dead and attempting to cause as much damage as possible before being ejected himself. Every as he ran the strain of keeping so many bodies coordinated was taking its toll. He briefly let go and allowed the blowback to wash over him.
His vision blurred as a grenade exploded inside his head. He felt dizzy and his arms and legs were now moving only because the brainbox told them to. He was on autopilot and riding the wave of feedback as his own body tried to cope with competing signals from his brain.
"Stop shooting!" Kincaid shouted again, "You can't die! Don't fall for this trick!"
It was good advice but the mob was now far beyond listening. Many were now shooting at each other even without Crease's influence. The shots missed as Kincaid dodged in an inhumanly fast way. But it was only a matter of time before one of the bolts, intended or otherwise, struck him. Kincaid apparently came to the same realization as he abruptly roared in anger and everyone, save for himself, and Crease dropped to the ground just as Crease's head was starting to clear.
The people dropped as if they were puppets who had their strings cut. For just a moment, Crease's necromantic powers fluttered as he received the sensation of dozens of limbs and bodies dying only to be nearly instantly reborn. It wasn't hard to guess what had happened. Kincaid had just sent out a mental shockwave that had temporarily stopped the nervous systems of everyone near him. Just stopped dead in their tracks. Hearts stopped beating. Muscle fibers stopped twitching. It was like getting paralyzed while also suffering a heart attack. People dropped because he gave them no choice. Even the enraged horse fell silent as its own legs gave way. Only Crease's own unbalanced arcana had managed to protect him from suffering a similar fate.
Crease aimed his guns at the suddenly exposed Kincaid. Kincaid's face changed into a sneer of contempt. Crease's fingers squeezed the trigger and, to his amazement, the bolts missed the target by mere centimeters. Impossibly, Kincaid had ducked to one side!
Crease tried again but, again, Kincaid simply stepped to one side in a blur of motion so fast that even with Crease's own slowed sense of time he could just barely register the movement. With dawning horror, Crease realized that the shockwave that had dropped the town's people to the ground hadn't just been intended as a way to wrestle control of their guns away from Crease. No, now that he wasn't splitting his attention a hundred different ways Kincaid was free to focus entirely upon himself.
The healer's grin had changed from insane madman's to a feral grimace that was equal parts pain and determination. Sweat boiled off the man's scalp as his face flushed a fiery red. Crease tried to aim again but the vitamancer zigged to one side before zagging back. He was running fast. Faster than Crease thought a human being should be able to maintain without tearing itself apart. Faster than Crease and his battle reflexes could match. Every time his brain thought it had acquired a target lock the healer was somewhere else. Crease's battle reflexes opted on random firing while trying to anticipate the healer's movements. However, the software upgrade Kincaid had received didn't just enhance his ability to stall the onset of blowback. Its own stochastic modeling was on par or superior to Crease's own. The healer bounced around, never quite being where Crease predicted, until suddenly Crease felt tight fingers wrapped around his throat. His vision shrank to a small window as Kincaid's face swam into view.
"Why don't you just die?" Kincaid shrieked.
Crease couldn't answer that question even if he desired to. He gagged for a moment before finding himself flying backwards and slamming into the much abused cart. He landed on his knees and tried to get air back in his lungs. His battle reflexes seemed to be offline as his brainbox attempted to sort out the jumbled data in his head. Something struck him across the jaw and he went sprawling in the dirt. He wanted to rise. Tried to rise. But a foot struck him in the back and sent his face first back into the dirt.
"Die you immortal abomination!" Kincaid's hysterical voice cried out, "Die!"
Crease heard a ripping and tearing sound. The cart, he thought. Kincaid was tearing apart the cart with his bare hands. A board slammed into Crease's back causing him to bite his own tongue as his head bounced off the dirt. Blood filled his mouth and he could only hear Kincaid's screaming.
"The gun is still in your hand," someone said in his ear. Who was that?
"The pistol," the voice repeated, "Your battle reflexes wouldn't let go of it. It's still being held in your left hand."
Pistol? What was that word? It was hard to concentrate as something kept smashing into the back of his skull and spine. He wanted to tell it to stop, but words were difficult.
"Open your eyes," the voice commanded. Reluctantly, Crease obeyed. One eye he immediately screwed shut again as it was being driven relentlessly into the dirt. But the other he could see out of. Barely. The world was crooked and blurred. But ahead of him he thought he saw a shape climbing to its feet. A bit shape. Struggling to stand but close to him.
"Now!" the voice commanded, "Behind the jaw!"
He wasn't sure he understood the meaning behind the words, but he did as the voice suggested. As the giant lifted near him, he rotated his arm at the elbow until the gun was almost vertical. Shoving upwards, he pressed the muzzle to just behind the thing's chin and pulled the trigger. As he did this he realized there was a doorway ahead of him and that he felt no pain on the other side of it. Happily, he shoved himself through the doorway and found himself looking down upon his own body as a superhumanly fast Kincaid shattered a board to splinters as he pummeled the reclined form.
Crease's thoughts were clearing. He was not having an out of body experience. Not exactly. He was in a body. Just, not his own. He glanced down upon himself and realized the body was female. A very, very large female. Viana!
Memories came flooding back. The Oligarch had been speaking to him. Asking him to do what? Place the gun under the chin and fire. Why? The answer clicked into place almost immediately. The skull reinforcements in battle tech were applied to the top, the front, the back, and the sides but not to the bottom of the skull. To do so would require injecting the laminate in through the roof of the mouth. As the skull laminate also contained microfilaments to disperse an electrical charge, a soldier could actually potentially survive a shot from a small coil weapon. Which is why battle tech enhanced soldiers in the field who wanted to commit suicide often chose to place the wapon under their chin,
The electric bolt would have punched through Viana's skull and pureed her brain as the bolt slammed into the filaments and was reflected back. Unlike his earlier sledgehammer move to the head that had caused a concussion, this time the brain itself had been blown to bits. He could feel the vitamancer's ambient arcana trying to force the brain to reform, but for the moment the woman was quite dead. Which meant Crease was in control for now.
Even though his real body was getting beaten severely, for the moment, he felt no pain. He knew that using this much necromancy, particularly after his recent usage, was going to cause a blowback sooner rather than later. But, for the moment, he was tempted to relish the feeling of being pain free. The temptation passed. If he didn't move and move soon this brief respite would be all for nothing. He needed a plan. Except it was still difficult to think. His arcana had projected his consciousness, but his real brain was still getting pummelled. He couldn't even ask the Oligarch for advice without going back into the maelstrom of beatdowns. What he needed was someplace he could stash the vitamancer until he had a chance to recover. He looked around looking for inspiration. He was surprised when he found it. Without waiting a moment to reconsider if this was a wise decision, he propelled the giantess forward at a full sprint and snatched the vitamancer in one beefy hand as he/she ran.
Kincaid was caught off guard and, as such, he didn't realize what was happening until Viana's fist had closed around his throat. By that time it was too late for him to dodge to one side. But that didn't exactly mean he was helpless.
Crease noticed the feedback from Viana's corpse was unusually potent. The air rushing past, the feel of the dirt under her feet, and even the burning in her own lungs all seemed to be amplified. He guessed that Kincaid was increasing Viana's nerve sensitivity and stepped slightly back and away from the driver's seat just before KIncaid launched a punch into the giantess's forearm.
Stepping out of the body slightly was a mixed blessing. He avoided the overwhelming pain sensation that Kincaid was attempting to flood him with but was now highly aware of the very real pain coming from his own body. The double sided attack of blinding pain from both bodies nearly broke his concentration. But he held on. Barely.
Kincaid punched and slammed his fists at the arm with inhuman speed. The bone's laminate prevented it from cracking. So he changed tactics and increased the photosensitivity of the giant's eyes. The light was suddenly too bright and Viana could not see. Crease continued running and flitted more of his own awareness back to his own body. Slowly and painfully, he managed to move his real neck once more. He was now steering the body remotely. Less secure, but possible.
Sensing something was wrong, Kincaid tried other tactics. He caused her heart to stop beating. He forced her lungs to stop breathing and cut off blood to her muscles. All of which would have stopped her in her tracks if her body had been alive in the first place. Realizing his mistake, Kincaid switched directions again and focused on healing her damaged brain. Crease felt his control being shoved away. The giantess's gait became more erratic. He was hurting. It hurt to move. He switched to battle mode and told his battle implants to target the back of the running giantess. He allowed it to take full motor control.
The world went red with pain as his body moved without him consciously willing it. The servos flipped him around on damaged muscles and lifted his arm on a torn and agonizing shoulder. The finger squeezed on the pistol's trigger and suddenly he was back in the driver's seat of Viana's body. Bolts of lightning tore through her chest from behind as Kincaid released a gurgled scream. Crease directed Viana's other hand to join the one currently wrapped around Kincaid's throat. Together they squeezed with every bit of her enhanced strength. Kincaid's face turned purple for a brief moment before he, again, focused the healing arcana back into himself. As the pained expression returned to his previous snarl, Crease saw a look of concern cross over the vitamancer's face.
Although the events had felt like they took place over several minutes subjectively, both Crease and Kincaid had been operating in accelerated time. While for Crease this increased time awareness had been giving him a greater time to plan, Kincaid, on the other hand, had been acting out of instinct and raw emotion. When Viana had dragged Kincaid away from Crease's helpless body he had continued to react on pure emotion. He had lashed out and tried to fight Viana as carried him further and further from his intended target. It was not until the last moment that it even occurred to him to wonder where she was taking him to.
The giantess struck the side of the well before doubling over and falling in. The last view Crease had from her undead eyes was of Kincaid, still grasped in her strong hands, falling backwards into the well with Viana coming right after him. Crease let go as the darkness swallowed both of them and waited for the long delayed blowback to hit him. He screamed when the pain enveloped him but few heard him. Everyone else who could scream was screaming along with him.
And now for our exciting conclusion:
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