Meatless Chili con Carne Recipe | Quorn

quorn chilli nachos

quorn chilli nachos - win

Quorn chilli with homemade “nachos” (recipe in comments!)

submitted by thackerybinxxxx to vegetarianketo [link] [comments]

Vegetarian hot dogs - one with mustard/ketchup/onions/gherkins, one with bean chilli/guacamole/nachos/chillies/cheese/coriander. Quorn frankfurters are surprisingly good! Dirrrrty

Vegetarian hot dogs - one with mustard/ketchup/onions/gherkins, one with bean chilli/guacamole/nachos/chillies/cheese/coriander. Quorn frankfurters are surprisingly good! Dirrrrty submitted by kriskendal to food [link] [comments]

Dinner! Aug 23

It's Wednesday! Today's dinner is Chilli Con Carne with Nachos and Sour Cream. There is also a veggie option using quorn mince. Dessert is apple pie! If you're outside (or even inside) of the Institute, Hammer Bay and Carrion Cove both feature a huge range of restaurants for you to find your fill with. However the 'Peoples Princess' named for Lorna is serving Lasagna, also with vegetarian mince as an option.
submitted by AutoModerator to XMenRP [link] [comments]

Dinner! Oct 25

It's Wednesday! Today's dinner is Chilli Con Carne with Nachos and Sour Cream. There is also a veggie option using quorn mince. Dessert is apple pie! If you're outside (or even inside) of the Institute, Hammer Bay and Carrion Cove both feature a huge range of restaurants for you to find your fill with. However the 'Peoples Princess' named for Lorna is serving Lasagna, also with vegetarian mince as an option.
submitted by AutoModerator to XMenRP [link] [comments]

21 day accountability thread

Okay, so my last post was removed as I was apparently not posting enough content. Because of this, I've decided to collate all my previous posts on to one giant 21 day accountability thread. Each day I'll update the post, keeping my edits at the top so no scrolling required. If anyone wants to update here with their own accountability, please do join me!

So here we go...
Day 21
Weight this morning - 142.2
Last day!! I'm slightly gutted I've gone out on a low note after yesterday's binge, but my weight hasn't gone up a huge amount, so I'm okay right now.
Today's been good for food. A strong day for my last update! Calories are a little on the low side, but I just didn't want to add in some of the things I had accounted for in my dinner. I've got my 10k obstacle course tomorrow, so I won't be able to do my IF properly, as I'll need to eat before hand, and I'm also allowing a few more calories than normal due to the exercise, so having a little less today I feel is okay.
Again, despite eating more yesterday, I'm feeling so much better about my body. I even had a NSV when I bought a pair of denim shorts! I literally haven't worn jeans/shorts in years, because I feel like they always make me look huge. These, however, I'm pretty much in love with. Even better, I got them in a size lower than originally anticipated. Wahoo! Although I'm no longer going to be updating my own post, I will be keeping up with the June 30 day accountability post on here. My goal for June is to drop to 135lbs by the end of it. Might be hard going, but I'm determined!
Matcha tea latte with oat milk - 214
Blueberry protein yogurt - 126
3 easy peelers - 56
Lunch - Omelette, whole egg, and egg whites, mushrooms, yellow bell pepper, and Cajun spices - 170
Dinner - Brown rice with mushrooms, green and yellow bell pepper, courgette, and Teriyaki sauce - 438
Halo top salted caramel ice cream - 80
Total - 1084
So there we are, the full 21 days! I'm glad I've done it, and kept up with the accountability, and I feel like I'm in a stronger mindset, despite the few slip ups I've had. I'm looking forward to seeing where June takes me, and feel determined to keep up with my CICO, and IF and reaching my goal weight. (As of this morning, apparently I should reach 125lbs by 6th September accordingly to my weight graph!)
Day 20
Weight this morning - 141.6
I was shocked the scale went down! Yes we did a lot of walking, but I definitely ate well over 1200. Very happy this morning. Unfortunately, this didn't last too long. I ate a lot today. I was just so, so hungry. I know it's probably all psychological when you binge, but I swear, I felt so physically hungry I just couldn't not.
It's a bad count, but here we go.
Blueberry protein yogurt - 126
2 pears - 192
Blueberries - 43
2 nectarines - 102
Apple - 62
Omelette with mushrooms, spinach, and cajun spices - 159
Granola - 500 (This is an estimate, I didn't weigh, bad me.)
Reese's peanut butter creme eggs - 748
Fibre one bars - 354
Noodles with soy sauce- 249
Halo top peanut butter ice cream, - 100

Total - 2635
It's crazy how quickly calories can add up. I've only got one more Reese's peanut butter egg, thank goodness. No more binging on them!!!

Day 19
Weight this morning - 141.8
Yay for the 1lbs drop!
Went shopping for Paris today, and actually managed to find some bits, and not hate my body! It's crazy how different I feel about my body right now, given that I've only lost a few pounds. I'm feeling a lot more confident already, I can't wait to see how I feel when I lose a bit more.
We literally walked for 8 hours, pretty much non-stop today. Unfortunately, where we went for dinner didn't have a nutritional menu, not even on their website. I have emailed them to try and get the calories for the dishes I ate (as suggested on their facebook) but it may take a few days for them to get back to me. I do think I've gone over the 1200 calories today, but the food was so good, and we did so much walking, I feel okay with it.
Peach/citrus green iced tea - 64
Soy iced latte - 104
Dinner - Las Iguanas -1/3 plate of nachos with tortilla chips, cheese, salsa, sour cream & guacamole. BBQ Jackfruit burrito bowl. Brie and mango empanadas (THIS WAS AMAZING).
If I ever get the calorie count from the restaurant, I'll come back and update.

Day 18
Weight this morning - 142.8
No change on the scale. Always better than an increase! According to the website I record my weight, I should reach my goal of 125lbs by 21st October. Just in time for Halloween! I think I'll aim for my birthday though, which is a little earlier in October.
I'm hoping to run a half marathon in October, so I'm going to try and start running again soon. I've found a 12 week training programme, which I'm going to try and stick to, repeating certain weeks if necessary. I'm going to try and get this started when I get back from Paris.
I wanted to eat a little bit lighter today, as I'm going shopping tomorrow to try an find clothes for my holiday, an I really don't want to cry in any changing rooms because I look fat and bloated. Probably had a little too much soy sauce though, so I'm going to drink plenty of water before an early night.
Chocolate orange protein yogurt - 150
Pear - 92
Blueberries - 43
Halo top salted caramel ice cream - 80
Nectarine - 46
Lunch - Omelette made with on whole egg, and some egg whites, mushrooms, spinach, and Cajun spices - 157
Dinner - Quorn chicken pieces with brown rice, frozen veg, mushrooms, green pepper, spinach and soy sauce - 466

Total - 1024

Day 17
Weight this morning - 142.8
I'm okay with the 2 ounce increase, but still would have preferred a loss. I got caught in so much rain today, it was totally unfair. I also got lost on the way to the supermarket, so I ended up walking for about an hour and a half. I also carried all of the groceries home, about another 25 minutes, so I feel good that I got a bit of exercise in! Food was fine today. I keep on saying this, but I'm just getting on so well with both IF and CICO. I'm happy in the knowledge that it's all pushing me in the right direction.

Blueberry protein yogurt - 126
Pear - 92
Blueberries - 86
Melon & grapes - 104
Nectarine - 50
Apple - 59
Dinner - Quorn chicken pieces with courgette, mushrooms, green pepper, spinach, and noodles, in a katsu curry sauce - 562
Halo top peanut butter ice cream - 100

Total - 1179

Day 16
Weight this morning - 142.6
I really thought this would have gone up this morning, but I'm super happy it didn't!
Another incredibly lazy day. I had every intention of going for a walk to the supermarket to get some groceries, but it's been raining heavily all day. I really want the motivation to start exercising again, but I still haven't joined a gym I like. It's hard to describe, but I think because I'm so hating my body right now, the idea of exercise is literally scaring me. Which is crazy. I went from going for a run 3/4 times a week to nothing. I have a 10k obstacle course in 5 days, which I think I'll be able to get through, but won't be doing it justice. I'm hoping after that, it might perk me back up exercise wise, and I'm set to join a new gym that's opening in July that looks really good.
Food went well today. I was initially going to be ending up over 1200 when I pre-calculated, but I adjusted my dinner to make the calories fall in line. I know some people find such rigorous calorie counting restrictive, but I fall firmly in the opposite camp. I love 'budgeting' with my calories, and ensuring that I'm eating what I want, in the knowledge and confidence I shouldn't be gaining weight.
4 Easy peelers - 72
Fibre one chocolate popcorn bar - 87
Raisins - 50
Granola with almond milk - 115
Lunch - Black beans with green pepper, mushrooms, spinach, and scrambled egg with Cajun spices. - 358
Dinner - 2 Quorn sausages with mushrooms, green pepper, mixed frozen veg, brown rice, and soy sauce - 509

Total - 1191

Day 15
Weight this morning - 142.6
3lb loss this morning. I believe this is due to being totally dehydrated when I weighed myself, and I fully expect it go up tomorrow morning. It was so great finally seeing this lower number!!
I have been a bit naughty today though, and ate 1300 calories. I just really, really wanted the ice cream. Honestly, Halo top ice cream is the greatest gift to dieters since I don't know what. It's bloody delicious. I've had a totally lazy day today, and just hung out with my friend watching movies and eating.
Melon & grapes - 110
Strawberry, blueberry & spinach smoothie with almond milk - 110
One piece of garlic bread - 78 (This is actually ridiculous, and I've never regretted a 24g piece of bread more in my entire life)
Apple - 73
2 easy peelers - 40
Halo top peanut butter icecream - 100
Lunch - Omelette with mushrooms and spinach - 153
Dinner - Egg noodles with 1 Quorn sausage, mushrooms, mixed frozen veg, and spinach in Hoisin sauce - 637

Total - 1301

Day 14
Weight this morning - 145.6
Big increase, but that's to be expected after yesterday. Not the best day but only because I didn't eat that much, and drank a bit too much. On the plus side I didn't eat loads when we got in at night, and kept to my IF. Over for my calories, but only due to the alcohol. The calories for the cider is estimated, but only because I cant remember what cider it was I was drinking, but on general they seem to be around 200 calories for a pint.
Apple - 70
Pear - 96
Blueberry protein yogurt - 126
Mouthful of rice and re-fried beans - 100
Fibre one chocolate popcorn bar - 84
Granola - 200
500ml red wine - 380
2 Ciders - 400

Total - 1456

Day 13
Weight this morning - 143.6
I fell hard today. I was just ravenous. I had the worst day at work (spoiler - I cried which was fucking mortifying). I really thought I was going to keep everything in check, and cooked my dinner quite early because I was just goddamn hungry. Then the walls broke and I ate so. much. food. First day of moon sickness, so I don't know whether that was to blame. I never want to be one of those people of who blames that for their shortcomings, but I've been feeling so strong in my CICO until today where everything went to shit.
I promised when I started this that I'd post everything though, that's what accountability is for. So here we go, I present to you my horrific 3500 calories day.
2 pears - 187
Blueberry protein yogurt - 126
Apple - 72
Dinner - Broccoli, cauliflower, and mushrooms, with 2 eggs scrambled topped with pesto - 646
Here is where I should have stopped
Raisins - 200
Halo top peanut butter ice cream - 200
180g pack muchos crisps - 483
Fibre one salted caramel bar - 87
Fibre one chocolate popcorn bar - 90
Fibre one peanut butter popcorn bar
7 Reese's peanut butter creme eggs - 1309
I am literally disgusting.

Total - 3490

I also ate past 8/9pm, so fucked my IF.
My plan for tonight/tomorrow;
Drink plenty of water. Definitely wait until 1pm before eating. Try and stick to fruits/veggies, and whole foods.
It doesn't help I'm supposed to be drinking with my friend who's visiting tomorrow. I may try and refrain again, and stick to slimline tonic.
I fucked up today, but that doesn't mean I should fuck up tomorrow as well.
Day 12
Weight this morning - 143.8
I'm finding my weight very frustrating. I feel like I'm really getting no where, despite counting every single thing that goes in to my mouth. According to my weight graph, at the rate I'm losing, I should be at my goal weight by 22nd October. That feels like an eternity. I should just be happy I've lost anything, but it's going so slow. I don't think I'll hit my first goal weight of 139 by Paris (early June) and that's seriously bumming me out.
My body confidence is extremely low right now. I haven't disliked the way I look this much in years. I'm wearing pretty much the same thing every day, and still dressing like it's winter, because at least then I can cover up everything I don't like in big bulky jumpers. It's very warm though.
Today felt like the closest I've come to cheating on my calories. It didn't take much willpower to push those thoughts away, but they still happened. I feel determined though. Even if I think everything's moving so slowly, I know this is what I need to do to see changes, no matter how long it takes. It's a weird mix of feeling sadness about myself, but motivation in my diet. It's hard to explain, because it feels like those two things shouldn't be felt at the same time, but I'll take it.
I went a little bit over on my calories today, but nothing to disastrous. Dinner was amazing, though. Probably one of my favourite things I've eaten in a while.
Strawberry protein yogurt - 136
Apple - 76
Pear - 82
Blueberries - 50
Blackberries - 65
Couple of mouthfuls of Mexican rice - 75
Dinner - Cauliflower rice with courgette, broccoli, spinach, and mushrooms, topped with fresh basil pesto, avocado, and a poached egg - 737

Total - 1221

Day 11
Weight this morning - 143.6
God I can't wait for the scale to get lower than this number. 24 hour fast went fine, but my god, how do people do OMAD? I ate close to 1200 in a couple of hours, and I was SO FULL. I did finish at 8pm, and I'm going to try and narrow my eating window to 17:7, so I'll eat between 1pm-8pm, just to try and give my body a bit more time to digest before I go to sleep.
I made dinner tonight, which means I'm not 100% on the calories, but I did add up everything that went in to it, I think I ate about 2/5ths, and I've added on some calories for good measure.
Blueberries - 60
Apple - 76
Pear - 82
Blueberry protein yogurt - 126
Dinner - vegetarian mince and sausages in a harissa/tomato sauce with onions, courgette, aubergine, mushrooms, and chickpeas served with cauliflower rice - 800 (2/5ths of the whole lot actually adds up to 702, but better safe than sorry)

Total - 1144

Day 10
Weight this morning - 144.2
No change in weight. No change in level of disappointment. I've been feeling a bit bloaty, so I'm going to do a 24 hour fast. I'm doing it in a way I've never tried before though, so I ate at 1, like normal, but have stopped eating at 6pm. I'm now going to fast for 24 hours (water & black coffee only) and have dinner at 6pm tomorrow. I'm also considering changing my eating window from 1-9pm to 12-8pm. Not sure yet, we'll see how I go. 14 days until I go to Paris and I'm filled with anxiety on how terrible I'm going to look. I think the only positive right now is that I'm still enjoying CICO, and although I'm having negative feelings about myself, I'm also not feeling like I want to eat away my anxieties or anything. I'm hoping I can just push through and stay the course

Apple - 76
Blueberry protein yogurt - 124
Melon & grapes - 54
Lunch - Mushroom risotto - 339
Dinner - Kitchari made with red split lentils, basmati rice, red onion, carrots, an mushrooms - 554
Total - 1147

Day 9
Weight this morning - 144.2
It's frustrating seeing the scale go own, then back up, then back down. I know my weight will fluctuate a lot, for a lot of different reasons, but it can still be heart breaking seeing it go back up! I still want to weigh myself daily, as I think getting used to these fluctuations, and also seeing how my body feels in relation to whether my weight goes up or down (bloating etc) will be positive and give me a greater understanding of my body. Still sucks though.
I'm really enjoying calorie counting. Crazy, but true! I hope this enjoyment doesn't go away. I also feel like my body has gotten used to the lower calories quite easily, as well as the IF. I feel really positive with how I'm eating, but I won't lie and say I'm not a little bit disappointed with my current weight loss. I'm sure in the past I've lost a bit more, more quickly. I should just be happy I've lost anything at all. I go to Paris in under 3 weeks, and I'm scared I'm going to be constantly sad about how I look.
Apple - 72
Strawberry protein yogurt - 136
Melon and grapes - 104
Blueberries - 86
Fibre one salted caramel bar - 87
Sugar free jelly - 8
Lunch - Mushroom Risotto - 339
Dinner - Slim noodles with broccoli, aubergine, courgette, mushrooms, and green pepper in a sweet chilli an garlic sauce - 340

Total - 1172

Day 8
Weight this morning - 143.6
I'm getting in to the swing of things now, and I'm weirdly finding the calorie counting exciting. Trying to fit in as much food in to whatever calories I have left over is like an interesting mind exercise. I did go a little bit over 1200 today, but I'm happy with my final tally.
2 apples - 140
Blueberry protein yogurt - 124
Fibre one salter caramel square - 87
Lunch - Carrot and coriander soup & 2 garlic and coriander mini naan - 442
Dinner - Slim noodles with 2 quorn sausages, broccoli, courgette, mushrooms, and aubergine in chow mein sauce - 431

Total - 1224

Day 7
Weight this morning - 144.6
I'm a bit late updating this, as I didn't get in until 3am. However, I didn't drink! After the day before, and the extra calories I had from drinking, my weight obviously went up, so even though I went out for dinner, and then on to a pub, I really didn't feel in the mood for alcohol. Now I did have a sangria with my dinner, and I do regret that, but otherwise I drank slim tonic all night.
For dinner, I'd had a plan on what I was going to eat, and I'd had every intention of sticking to it, but I' embarrassed to say I did go a little bit overboard. I had three pieces of bread, (relatively small pieces of a baguette), and finished off someone's creamy mushrooms - even though that's what I'd had myself. They were so just so damn delicious! I'm not even sure how to go about estimating the calories for the dishes, but I'm sure for everything it was well over 1,000 for the meal. I did chose to walk home instead of getting a lift, so that's something I guess.
Mango - 75
Sugar free jelly - 5
Dinner - Vegetable paella, creamy mushrooms, 3 pieces of bread and 4/5 very mini bread sticks with some garlic alioli, 1 glass of Sangria - >1200
2 slim line tonic with lime - ~15

Total - not sure, most definitely upwards of 1350

Day 6
Weight this morning - 143.8 lbs

Today sucked. We went out for food, I managed to find somewhere were I could get the calorie count, but it wasn't the healthiest place. I had vegan butternut squash mac bake, and it was absolutely laughable at how bloody small it was. I was shocked. The amount of food I've eaten is positively tiny. On top of that, I completely fucked up with drinking calories. I had a cider and and Bailey's iced coffee, and they've taken me way over for the day. I'm out tomorrow night for dinner as well, but I'll have to make some healthier choices, especially as I won't have a calorie count for tomorrow's food. Not looking forward to stepping on the scales tomorrow morning.

Apple - 69
Butternut squash mac bake - 563
Sweet potato fries - 422
Cider - 320
Bailey's ice coffee - 220
Sugar free jelly - 6

Total - 1594

Day 5
Weight this morning - 144lbs. 4 ounce gain. Shouldn't be disappointed, because it's still a total loss overall, but no one wants to see the scale go up!

I was bad today. Had a few sneaky mouthfulls of a very unhealthy pasta bake. I'm (probably over) estimating the calories for this, but better safe than sorry.
I did decide to not eat my fibre one bar to keep my calories as close to 1200 as possible. Cut if close on my IF as well, didn't finish my jelly until 20:58!
Overall I'm pleased with the day, and the steps I took to ensure I was where I wanted to be with my calories.

Pear - 66
Apple - 68

Lunch - Sweet potato coconut and chilli soup, with 2 mini garlic and coriander naan bread - 462
Dinner - Cauliflower rice and black beans with orange bell pepper, crunchy salad, spring onion, salsa, and avocado - 442

Sneaky pasta bake - 150
Sugar free jelly - 5

Total - 1193

Day 4:
Weight this morning - 143.6lbs
I'm bloody stuffed, but happy to report still well within my calories for the day. I'm really enjoying IF. It's nice having a rigid reason to not eat at certain times.
Melon - 88
Pear - 69
Fibre One salted caramel square - 87
Lunch - Sweet potato coconut and chilli soup, with 2 mini garlic and coriander naan bread - 462
Dinner - Cauliflower rice and black beans with red bell pepper, crunchy salad, spring onion, salsa, and avocado - 485
Total - 1191

Day 3:
I was really excited to go look at a new gym today, but it was hella disappointing. I really don't know what to do. I'm pretty lazy, and I don't drive, so having to travel any distance to get to a gym doesn't appeal to me, but this was one of two actually close by and I've already quit my membership at the other. I should probably just suck it up and travel a bit further and take my fitness seriously.
Weight this morning - 144.4lbs - a loss! A girl can dream it was all fat.
What's the deal with calories per serving on packaging? I was so pleased my noodles were only 168 calories, but then I checked out some other brands of the exact same thing, and the others were 67 calories higher!! And these are just dried egg noodles, same serving size, so I can't believe there's a magic reason for them to have so many less calories. In any case, I decided to go with the higher amount for my count.
2 pears - 147
Blueberries - 44
Fibre One salted caramel square - 87 (this thing is the BOMB, but smaller than I had hoped. I could definitely obliterate 5)
Sugar free jelly - 6
Lunch - Omelette with 2 whole eggs, mushroom, spring onion, Cajun seasoning - 182
Dinner - Egg noodles, mushroom, courgette, spring onion, Quorn pieces, some frozen veggies, Sweet chilli and garlic stir fry sauce - 714
Total - 1180
Anyone got any good ideas for under 300 calorie lunches? I'm currently loving my omelettes, but might get bored eventually.

Day 2:
Fun fact number 1: I actually got my own age wrong on the last post. I'm actually 26!
Fun fact number 2: I weighed myself this morning, and I'd GAINED 3.2lbs.
Obviously I know this isn't actual fat gain, but damn, what a disheartening start! I'd had a really terrible night sleep, so I'm hoping that had something to do with it. We'll check in again tomorrow. I will be weighing myself every day.
So on to the day!
It's been a good 'un. I'm still in that rosy posy positive first stages, though I did have a few hunger pangs in the evening before my dinner. Possibly because I thought this would be a good day to watch someone eat 100,000 calories on Youtube.
Food for the day;
Blueberries - 90
Melon & grapes - 125
2 pears - 155
Sugar free jelly - 12
Lunch - Omelette with two whole eggs, mushrooms, spinach, and garlic - 174
Dinner - Brown rice, Quorn pieces, some frozen veggies, Sweet chilli and garlic stir fry sauce - 544
Total - 1100
Thoughts for day;
Maybe I eat too much fruit? I imagine it's a lot of sugar, even if it is natural. I dunno, I just love fruit. Stuck to my eating hours, so I guess this is also day 2 of IF. I'm really hoping I can keep this up.

Day 1:
Okay guys, today's the day. I've posted a couple of times looking for advise for self-sabotaging and generally just not being in a good head space in regards to myself, my body, an wanting to lose weight. That ends now.
I'm sick of feeling shit about myself, and I feel like today I've woken up with a new sense of aplomb. Nothing's going to change unless I get busy and make some changes, so from today I'm going to start a new series called 'Priscilla tries to sort her shit out by stealing someone else's idea and posting a 21 day accountability'.
So every day, for the next 21 days, I'm going to make a post letting you guys know how the day's been, and what I've eaten.
Starting Stats:
Age: 27
Height; 5 ft 7"
SW: 146lbs
Waist: 28 inches
TDEE: 1722 calories
For my TDEE I've gone with an activity level of sedentary. I've been pretty shoddy with my exercise recently, and am currently between gyms. I am going to try and start exercising again though, and have a 10k obstacle course run coming up at the beginning of June.
Ultimately, I'll be going for CICO, but I may be utilising other methods during this period. I like fasting, so may include a couple of fasts, and possible OMAD depending on how I'm feeling.
Calories will be between 1200-1400 per day, but trying to keep it on the lower side.
My main goal for these 21 days will just be to keep up with my posting, and keep myself accountable. I want to stay within my calorie goals, but if I don't I still need to post.
Obviously I want to lose weight, and my super secret goal is to get to 139 lbs by 5th June, when I go on holiday, but I'm trying not to focus on the number on the scale so much as focusing on keeping myself in check. Progress, not perfection.
So my first update will be later today, where I'll pop back to this post and let you guys know how day 1 went. Then for the next 20 days, I'll post each day. Hopefully some of you may want to keep up with my progress, and if you want to post your own accountability with me, please do!
Thanks to Mountainlioness404d, as I've basically just nicked her idea.
Everything went well, and I'm pleased with day 1! I've also decided to try IF, so only eating between 1pm-9pm daily.
So food for the day;
Cucumber - 15 cal
Mushroom & garlic soup - 150 cal
Granola - 212 cal
Raisins - 88 cal
Sugar free jelly - 5 cal
For dinner - Brown rice, 2 eggs, Quorn pieces, some frozen veggies, soy sauce - 625 cal
Total - 1095 cal
Not gonna lie, I added in the granola last minute after my dinner because I thought ending up under 900 calories for the day probably wasn't a great idea!
submitted by PriscillaLaine to loseit [link] [comments]

Dinner! Oct 18

It's Wednesday! Today's dinner is Chilli Con Carne with Nachos and Sour Cream. There is also a veggie option using quorn mince. Dessert is apple pie! If you're outside (or even inside) of the Institute, Hammer Bay and Carrion Cove both feature a huge range of restaurants for you to find your fill with. However the 'Peoples Princess' named for Lorna is serving Lasagna, also with vegetarian mince as an option.
submitted by AutoModerator to XMenRP [link] [comments]

Institute Dinner Nov 09

It's Wednesday! Todays dinner is Chilli Con Carne with Nachos and Sour Cream. There is also a veggie option using quorn mince. Dessert is apple pie!
submitted by AutoModerator to XMenRP [link] [comments]

Dinner! Oct 11

It's Wednesday! Today's dinner is Chilli Con Carne with Nachos and Sour Cream. There is also a veggie option using quorn mince. Dessert is apple pie! If you're outside (or even inside) of the Institute, Hammer Bay and Carrion Cove both feature a huge range of restaurants for you to find your fill with. However the 'Peoples Princess' named for Lorna is serving Lasagna, also with vegetarian mince as an option.
submitted by AutoModerator to XMenRP [link] [comments]

Institute Dinner Nov 16

It's Wednesday! Todays dinner is Chilli Con Carne with Nachos and Sour Cream. There is also a veggie option using quorn mince. Dessert is apple pie!
submitted by AutoModerator to XMenRP [link] [comments]

Dinner! Sep 20

It's Wednesday! Today's dinner is Chilli Con Carne with Nachos and Sour Cream. There is also a veggie option using quorn mince. Dessert is apple pie! If you're outside (or even inside) of the Institute, Hammer Bay and Carrion Cove both feature a huge range of restaurants for you to find your fill with. However the 'Peoples Princess' named for Lorna is serving Lasagna, also with vegetarian mince as an option.
submitted by AutoModerator to XMenRP [link] [comments]

Institute Dinner Nov 30

It's Wednesday! Todays dinner is Chilli Con Carne with Nachos and Sour Cream. There is also a veggie option using quorn mince. Dessert is apple pie!
submitted by AutoModerator to XMenRP [link] [comments]

Institute Lunch

Todays lunch is Chilli Con Carne with Nachos and Sour Cream. There is also a veggie option using quorn mince. Dessert is apple pie.
Assume lunch is post reality warp. Granted only a handful would remember. - RAMsay
submitted by AutoModerator to XMenRP [link] [comments]

What particular foods are your vice? What do you sub them with?

Just wondering what sorts of foods you guys like to eat which hinder the weight loss. I see a lot of people saying junk food here, but what? Two reasons for asking this: one I realised when I posed this question to myself there is a hell of a lot of crap food I assume I love eating but in reality I'm not that fussed about. It's a mindset thing, I realise I think I love eating all shit food and I don't. Two I am curious to see how you tackle those foods that send you into a frenzy.
Mine are:
Tonnes of cheese- French and Italian cheeses especially such as creamy Brie, blue cheeses and fresh mozzarella.
Crisps/chips to my American counterparts. Doritos and tex-mex dips. Cheese topped nachos with all the sauces.
Decent beers- craft and Belgian or German beers. Leffe nectar has me weak at the knees.
Good old chippy chips.
Foods I always thought I was obsessed with but realised I don't struggle without them: chocolate and sweets, fizzy drinks, fatty meats like ribs and fried chicken.
My substitutions are:
No cheese if I'm not hankering, if I am I buy pre-sliced wafer thin cheese. Edam and mozzarella tend to be lower than Cheddar and creamy blues. My local Asda sells 'salad cheese' which is basically feta but clocks in at 50 calories for 30g so I make a nice Greek salad. I have a tub of chilli and pepper cottage cheese I'm going to try soon too.
Crisps- pop chips on the odd occasion or pea snacks. More stores are selling these and individual packs are a godsend. Alternatively I buy a big bag, weigh out a portion and bung the bag back in a tall cupboard out of sight. Recently I got myself a really nice jar of olives for about £5. They're salty and fresh tasting, and take a while to nibble if stone is in. I figure I will spend £3-4 on crisps and dips, try something different. They're divine. I eat a lot of salsa and make it myself where possible. Same for fresh avocado. I don't have nacho cheese dip or sour cream anymore. If I want cheese nachos, I dice wafer thin edam and top a small portion of crisps with it and pop it in the microwave with lots of jalapeños and salsa to dip in.
Beer- my boyfriend and I have discussed a month of no beers or drinking in the house, until I graduate. If I want a beer, I buy an individual can and I scan the bar code in the shop before I buy it to check calories. Otherwise I stay on gin and slimline and have just one.
Chips- chippy chips are a gift from the Gods. I adore them with tonnes of salt and vinegar and mushy peas. I recently discovered though that if I eat a battered fish, I throw up. It has make a chippy trip far less likely. If I crave chips now I chop up a sweet potato or some baby spuds and roast them with lots of seasoning. Paprika, salt, pepper. Polish aisles sell this stuff called przyprawa do ziemniaków, it's literally seasoning for potatoes and it's heavenly so I use that and a touch of Fry light oil spray.
I'm not huge on beef burgers but I love quorn burgers with cheese on top. The burgers are 80calories each and taste awesome. Lots of salad, salsa and jalapeños, a nice bun around ~150 calories post-gym, it's a great meal.
I really want to hear your vices and how you overcome those buggers!
submitted by tanvscullen to loseit [link] [comments]

Dinner! Jun 13

It's Wednesday! Today's dinner is Chilli Con Carne with Nachos and Sour Cream. There is also a veggie option using quorn mince. Dessert is apple pie! If you're outside (or even inside) of the Institute, Hammer Bay and Carrion Cove both feature a huge range of restaurants for you to find your fill with. However the 'Peoples Princess' named for Lorna is serving Lasagna, also with vegetarian mince as an option.
submitted by AutoModerator to XMenRP [link] [comments]

Dinner! Dec 06

It's Wednesday! Today's dinner is Chilli Con Carne with Nachos and Sour Cream. There is also a veggie option using quorn mince. Dessert is apple pie! If you're outside (or even inside) of the Institute, Hammer Bay and Carrion Cove both feature a huge range of restaurants for you to find your fill with. However the 'Peoples Princess' named for Lorna is serving Lasagna, also with vegetarian mince as an option.
submitted by AutoModerator to XMenRP [link] [comments]

Institute Lunch

Todays lunch is Chilli Con Carne with Nachos and Sour Cream. There is also a veggie option using quorn mince. Dessert is apple pie.
Assume lunch is post reality warp. Granted only a handful would remember. - RAMsay
submitted by AutoModerator to XMenRP [link] [comments]

Dinner! Jan 31

It's Wednesday! Today's dinner is Chilli Con Carne with Nachos and Sour Cream. There is also a veggie option using quorn mince. Dessert is apple pie! If you're outside (or even inside) of the Institute, Hammer Bay and Carrion Cove both feature a huge range of restaurants for you to find your fill with. However the 'Peoples Princess' named for Lorna is serving Lasagna, also with vegetarian mince as an option.
submitted by AutoModerator to XMenRP [link] [comments]

institute Dinner 14 July

Todays dinner is Chilli Con Carne with Nachos and Sour Cream. There is also a veggie option using quorn mince. Dessert is apple pie.
[Sorry we're late!]
submitted by kiwi_klutz to XMenRP [link] [comments]

Dinner! Mar 21

It's Wednesday! Today's dinner is Chilli Con Carne with Nachos and Sour Cream. There is also a veggie option using quorn mince. Dessert is apple pie! If you're outside (or even inside) of the Institute, Hammer Bay and Carrion Cove both feature a huge range of restaurants for you to find your fill with. However the 'Peoples Princess' named for Lorna is serving Lasagna, also with vegetarian mince as an option.
submitted by AutoModerator to XMenRP [link] [comments]

Dinner! Mar 14

It's Wednesday! Today's dinner is Chilli Con Carne with Nachos and Sour Cream. There is also a veggie option using quorn mince. Dessert is apple pie! If you're outside (or even inside) of the Institute, Hammer Bay and Carrion Cove both feature a huge range of restaurants for you to find your fill with. However the 'Peoples Princess' named for Lorna is serving Lasagna, also with vegetarian mince as an option.
submitted by AutoModerator to XMenRP [link] [comments]

Institute Dinner Nov 23

It's Wednesday! Todays dinner is Chilli Con Carne with Nachos and Sour Cream. There is also a veggie option using quorn mince. Dessert is apple pie!
submitted by AutoModerator to XMenRP [link] [comments]


AutoModerator@XMenRP: Dinner! Sep 13 It's Wednesday! Today's dinner is Chilli Con Carne with Nachos and Sour Cream. There is also a veggie option using quorn mince. Dessert is apple pie! If you're outside (or even inside) of the Institute, Hammer Bay and Carrion Cove both feature a huge range of restaurants for you to find your fill with. However the 'Peoples Princess' named for Lorna is serving Lasagna, also with vegetarian mince as an option.
Comment link: /XMenRP/comments/6zvy97/dinner_sep_13/dmzbs5y
A very tired, very hungover Aroha takes the seat next to him, leaning her her head on his shoulders.
"Hey hey..."
You look like you had a fulfilling night of drinking like a fish.
He says, pushing some food towards her.
You need to eat.
OOC: It would have been like 3 days ago but we can say this was the day after :P
She looks quite put off by the plate of nachoes, waving it away.
"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about....about something."
He pulls the plate back over to himself, taking a nacho and popping it into his mouth with a smirk. He nods his head and takes another one.
I actually have something to talk to you about as well but you can go first.
He eats another one, licking the cheese from his finger tips before he wipes off his hand.
She wrinkles her nose adorably, stomach churning as she watches him eat.
"I....well....okay, so last night, Wade and I were drinking...":
His pace slows as she mentions Wade, but only slightly as he takes another bite, picking up another chip as he chews
Oh yeah? It would explain the killer hangover I'm sure you're feeling right now!
She grimaces and looks down at the table in front of her. Miserable and full of self-loathing, she knows it's better to just come out and say it.
"Yeah....that. And he kissed me. Well, no. I mean he started....ugh...we kissed."
He stops literally mid bite. The smirk from his joke slowly dropping his face. He lowers his hand, dropping his chip to his plate as his hand just sorta sat in mid air
*He doesn't even look at her. As much as he wants to, maybe it was a joke, a cruel one, but a joke. He wanted to think it was but... there was something about her voice....
She sits there, still and miserable, unsure how to continue....she hadn't really thought this through, only that she HAD to tell him.
"I....I'm so sorry Asher. I....It's so bloody shit of me and I...I'll answer any...any questions that...yeah...."
He lets out a long, shuddering breath from his nostrils, his chest rising and falling at a faster and faster rate
She sags, visibly disappointed in herself.
".....I know it's not much, but I really wasn't expecting him to kiss me. "
His voice box says. If an artificial voice could sound deflated, it does now
You had said before that you cared for him. I didn't know... that it was that much... I told you I... About him...
The box cuts out after that
"I'm so sorry Asher.....I'd be lying if I didn't say that I...I still care deeply about him. Even though I don't want to!"
She sags, sighing heavily. "I know it doesn't count for much. But I'm really sorry."
He asks. It comes out a little harsher than he intended but he's hurt. The idea of being strung along very low on his list of things that he wanted to be.
She retreats into herself a little at this stage. ".....but I understand that it's not my choice to make. I never wanted to hurt you Asher, please believe me."
I don't even know what to say, Aroha... You hurt me. You hurt me really deep.
He says, hot, angry tears falling onto the napkin on front of him
Ever since we've started dating, Aroha. I told you I felt threatened by him. I knew you... that you l-loved him but I... I thought that... I thought that I was enough...
"Oh are enough! This isn't about....about one cancelling the other. Love is much more complicated than that and I...."
She pauses to rub her face with her sleeve, humiliated by her own tears in the face of his upset.
"This is my fault, not yours. I should have known it was too soon. Shoulda just....just waited longer, taken it slower, held back."
He says, more tears falling as his rage washes over him. But he dare not lose control. No, no that would be far too devastating. He keeps it locked away, like he always has and always will, saving it for some poor soul who would dare try to harm him. Perhaps the mission he has to tell her about will be where he decides to unleash all his anger
You two were so close... not just physically and emotionally... but mental too! Aroha, I can't even say I love you and he can tell it to you with his fucking mind!
He raises his head, looking directly into her eyes. He was angry. So, so angry. But he had himself controlled.
How can I even compare to that?!
But as she leans towards him with arms outstretched, he turns to look at her, fixing her in place with that baleful, almost hateful glare. Or so it seems to her.
"Asher....I can't....I don't compare you to him, ever! No matter what I feel for Wade or what he feels for me, it wasn't enough to fix the problems we had..."
She retreats once more, stretching her arms around herself and finally allowing her own fat tears to slide over her cheeks, the realization slowly dawning on her that - as is often the case - truth and love isn't enough to save this relationship.
And it cuts her deeply, that this has happened yet again.
Aroha... I... when I didn't come to New Zealand... did... anything...?
He asks. He almost doesn't want to know if anything did. He'd be hard pressed to keep himself from shouting in rage. He had trusted Aroha, had trusted Wade, and something like this happened when he was in the same building. However, the... manner and softness in which he asks almost inspires hope for her, should she had done nothing wrong. Asher was hurt, that much was clear, but that didn't make him love Aroha any less, maybe bruised trust.
Her response is immediate, emphatic and honest - though whether he believes it is up to him. She does feel a momentary swell of indignation - that she would cheat on him, at her own brothers funeral?!
But the anger in her eyes is quickly burned away - she has no right to feel this way, given that she has broken his trust like this. She takes a deep, shuddering breath and looks down, unable to face him.
" Ash. Nothing happened back home. I promise you."
What do we do?
"We". The single, solitary word that could show that he didn't hate her. In truth, Asher still loved her deeply. She had rooted herself in his heart and it would take a lot to truly remove her. The tree may have been cut down, but the roots survived, for lack of a better term or analogy.
".....that's up to you."
It sounds so lame to her ears - god knows she'd like to say more, to sway him, influence his decision but ultimately the choice is his.
"I won't.....whatever you want Asher, I won't blame you or anything. This....this isn't your fault."
I... I'm sorry... for being so mean...
Why was he apologizing? He didn't know. He just felt like he needed to.
Aroha says with a strange kind of choked, hiccuping sob of a laugh and reaches out a hand to cup his cheek, her thumb gently wiping away his tears in a gesture that is so natural and instinctive that she barely realises till it's too late and she's actually touching his face.
I... I have a mission coming up...
Now is probably the best time to tell her, now that they're so close together, sharing a somewhat intimate moment despite what just transpired between them.
"....where?" she asks quietly, her voice quivering slightly.
He replies quietly, watching her closely
I'm going there with Cerebra and we're going to help Storm fight off a bunch of mutants who got their hands on some MGH and Kick.
"I....I see. careful."
I'll come back, Aroha. I always do.
He says, gently rubbing her hand with his thumb
For you.
"Asher! I'm so sorry!" she wails miserably.
The box says as he reaches up and takes her head in his hands, pulling her into a hug and holding her tight.
It's ok, Aroha. It's alright.
"No it's not!"
He says, rubbing her back
Please don't cry...
He rubs her back. Even if he had decided to end it right then, he doubted that he would stop being there to comfort her should she have ever come to him.
Kei te aroha au ki a koe...
" au hoki."
She sits back a little, scrubbing at her face and forcing herself to take deep breaths.
He says, letting out a soundless sigh as he shifts to cup her cheek, wiping away a little excess tear.
Please look at me...
"Asher....I'm so sorry."
I know, Aroha and... it's... fine. I just... I need some time to breathe and get out my frustrations.
"I know...i know. Whatever you want."
He says, still watching her.
So much.
"I....i love you too Ash. And I'll do everything I can to show you I do."
I hope so, Aroha because I plan on doing the same.
Aroha... Can... can I ask a favor?
"Of course!"
Its a simple request but it's one that's hard for him to say regardless.
"Okay. I won't."
Am I being unreasonable?
"All things It's not unreasonable Ash, not at all. I don't...I won't tell him or anything, I'll just....avoid him."
He runs a hand through his hair
I just don't want you to drink with him. Drinking, when you two still have... feelings for one another it... it's just asking for trouble and I... I really don't want this to happen again. I don't know if I could take...
He looks down at his own lap
"Oh's totally reasonable but i think....i think some space from Wade will also do us all a bit of good."
The pang she feels in saying this only confirms it's the right thing to do.
I guess... I'm sorry. I just... I don't know. Now I really feel threatened by him. It's silly.
"I know and....but that's my fault really....not setting boundaries and....and stuff. Look, do you wanna get out of here?"
He responds almost before she even gets the final words out
I... Please take me anywhere but here...
I love coming up here.
"Always been my favorite place."
He remarks, still watching it.
Puts it all into perspective, kinda.
Aroha frowns a little, nodding. He's got a point of course, but sometimes it also brings things into focus - after all, she's drunk up here with Wade a few times...
His voice box rings out
"Of course Asher. You don't....don't need to ask to ask....Whatever you want to know."
Why me? Why did you decide to be with me...?
submitted by causeWhyNotMate to whyNotMate [link] [comments]

quorn chilli nachos video

Season and bake for 5-6 minutes, until crisp. Remove from the oven and leave to cool. Meanwhile, mist a large frying pan with cooking spray and cook half the onion over a medium heat for 4-5 minutes, or until soft. Add the chilli and continue to cook for another minute. Add the Quorn mince and spices to the pan. Stir in the chopped tomatoes, passata, tomato puree and crumble over the stock cube and bring to a gentle simmer for 8 minutes stirring occasionally. Stir in the kidney beans, sugar or chocolate if using and Quorn Soy Free, Meat Free Mince, cook over a gentle heat for a further 10 minutes. Season to taste. Add the garlic , chilli puree and smoked paprika and cook for a further 2 minutes. Add the kidney beans, tomato puree, vegetable stock and Quorn Mince, simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Season to taste and stir in the fresh cilantro. Serve with Nachos over baked potato or with rice. To assemble the Nachos, place a layer of tortilla chips in a large, shallow oven proof dish, add a layer of the Nacho Sauce, more tortillas, tomato salsa, diced avocado, Quorn Pieces and mushroom fry. Repeat this, topping with the Quorn Pieces and toasted pumpkin seeds. Bake for 8-10 minutes until golden and thoroughly warmed through Quorn Meat-Free Nachos 3.4615384615385 out of 5, 1 based on 130 ratings . Recipes Quorn Meat-Free Nachos . 5 stars Arrange the tortilla chips on microwave-safe plate and top with the Quorn Fajita Strips. Sprinkle with cheese and microwave for 1 minute or until cheese is melted. Serve with guacamole and salsa. Chefs tip. Load up the nachos with your favourite nacho toppings. Try fresh pickled jalapeno, olives, diced tomatoes, black beans, corn and green onions. Heat the olive oil in a large, non-stick frying pan over a high heat. Add the peppers and cook for 5 minutes, stirring, until softened and charred. Reduce the heat slightly, add the garlic, cumin seeds and Quorn mince. Fry for 3 minutes, then pour the jar of tomato and chilli pasta sauce. Best Nachos in Quorn, Loughborough: Find 3,423 Tripadvisor traveller reviews of THE BEST Nachos and search by price, location, and more. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add onion, saute 4-5 minutes. Add bell pepper and cook for 5 minutes. Add the chili, garlic and spices. The “chilli” is Quorn mince fried in olive oil with 20g red onion, 100g passata (mixed with water plus chilli flakes, paprika and salt) and 100g broccoli “rice” all mixed together! My “nachos” were literally slices of Emmental that I cut into triangles, sprinkled with a little paprika and baked for around 5 minutes before quickly

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